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R&R Medic
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About 911

  • Birthday 06/06/1993

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Criminal (2/7)



  1. @ Atom Adnan
  2. Not worth and if I say ok then you will say 100m You can use it for weed copper or platinum if you can
  3. @ Dmoney deal or not?
  4. #freewezio
  5. @ Wezio write 1000 times “I’m sorry, I will collect and sell peaches for money next time.”
  6. fully upgraded or not?
  7. Then you don’t have 7 houses and it means you can lie about previous messages
  8. I guess you can have max 5 houses. How did you buy more than 5?
  9. First of all if you have any evidence about that you can submit and secondly topic is "WTB THIS INDUSTRIAL SHED". Please do not send anything not related to this topic.
  10. It isn’t ethical. I want to find owner via forum etc.
  11. just tell me prize if you are the owner
  12. If you are the owner or know the owner please contact me.
  13. “some extra surprises” I want unique house at Neri.
  14. Yes I understood you very well. I can only say that medics can request comp from one time things. For repeated things or clear situations you can report. Because you lost only 20-30 secs and maybe 1-2 revive. Nothing more than that. This situation isn’t clear because I saw some apd’s cars with different skins.
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