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R&R Medic
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About Yamz

APD Officer

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. how can you have beef with @ US DIPLOMATIC SECURITY , mans has only ever been a chad to me
  2. Hearken, citizens of Kavala! I, GGPC, do solemnly call forth the rogue @ -dante- to meet me in honorable combat upon the cobblestones of Kavala Square. This duel, by ancient custom, shall determine the fate of the unjustly banished Weizo, whose name we seek to restore to grace. Let steel sing or powder roar, as courage and conviction stand trial beneath the open sky. Gather, ye townsfolk, to witness this clash of honor, where justice shall prevail or be vanquished!
  3. Need more Oil https://medal.tv/games/arma-3/clips/jfM1lziF7ewYMqwaC?invite=cr-MSw3Q20sMzA4MTUyMDQ3LA
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