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Everything posted by Winters

  1. https://gifs.com/gif/vn3QbQ When those pricks try and fly above you to break your rotors. :c
  2. No it isn't, someone tried to steal my meth and got titaned conveniently depositing it just off the coast opposite my house so I could easily move it back and forth with a wetsuit.
  3. I am hoping the new update has proper sunken treasure because I really did enjoy retrieving the meth in the diving suit, it was a different and fun experience. I'd look forward to more occasions to use diving suits.
  4. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/573439156239391967/55A9C2899AA6DC53AA45A4BA275AA02CDE30E482/
  5. I couldn't believe it when I saw them both.
  6. P Hunter & CommanderSuki doing their innocent Iron Run.
  7. When the lumberjacks go deforesting.
  8. You did go ham at the end when you one tapped like 3 people. I'm sure Kanger will have many more titans waiting for you.
  9. I think Peter needs to be taught to take better care of his vehicles. The fight was fun but I felt sorry for him because he lost all his new toys.
  10. Just the start of a few new vehicles that Peter lost yesterday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rteePG0Lcsk&feature=youtu.be
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