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  1. hype
  2. Yeah you're right haha, we were bored after a big run and decided to have some fun with the police.
  3. lol, nah M got all buthurt that I joined a gang. That makes me a "shitter" apparently. So I made this guide so others could understand how to not be a shitter and how to "get good"
  4. Now everyone can "Get good" at A3L check out my guide!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Thomas


      Too many questions and not enough answers

    3. Fedot


      Wrong Game Mode3

    4. JAMES GAT
  5. So in this guide you will be learning the simple basics that everybody should know. I didn't quite understand these until Fuzy informed me in side with his very intellectual quote, "Shitter Shastik". I learned very many things from this and quickly recognized that I need to "get good". So here are the steps to becoming a great player on Olympus! Step #1: The first step is very simple and easy to understand. You need to gather enough money by running apples in a Hemmt Transport and Huron, if you don't then you suck. Step #2: You need to use your apple money to make a gang ($50,000). Make a clever name everybody will fear, like "Immature Douchebags" for example. Step #3: You need to recruit a minimum of 30 players into your gang. I know this guide is getting bland but the next part will excite you, I'm sure! Step #4: Now for the best part, you need to take your 30 brand new recruits put some clothes on them maybe some food and make them sorround you. Create what I like to call a "Meat Barrier" or "Meat Shields" Step #5: Quickly recognize that anyone and everyone who isn't you or doesn't recognize you as a god is a "Shitter" and "Bad, get good scrub". If you say this to anyobody then they will quickly gain your respect trust me. That's how the great and infamous gang "M" does it. Step #6: Now run around and have a blast, you're now good at Altis Life and can run all the drugs and capture all the cartels with everybody's respect and knowing that the player ratio is very even as it is usually around 30:2. Congrats! Have fun and remember, anyone who isn't you is a shitter!!!
  6. Check out my poll! Should Olympus have a first person server!?

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