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Everything posted by Zombeh

  1. Hi can i be unbanned I wont RDM anymore. Im pretty sure that the people I RDMd in the past are over it and still alive. Plz
  2. is McDili still admin
  3. I felt betrayed when i found out its not his actual accent
  4. So much time and money wasted ?
  5. HOORAY!
  6. Zombeh

    Mr Panda

    it does
  7. Zombeh


    i expected the cop to greet me
  8. Zombeh

    Mr Panda

    i tazed him in warzone lol but i let him go cause he was in my old gang kappa and i like him
  9. Zombeh


    When you're just pulling over a gas station and the cops tell you to put your hand up but get popped
  10. Zombeh


  11. Feds are always the same, cops come say "apd" and everyone starts shooting, it would be better if it was more RP'd like get hostages and tell cops to not shoot or hostages will die or something like that
  12. I only go to server 2 on nights when no one's on so I can do runs
  13. so if you werent a donor before you cant get crates anymore at all?
  14. can non donors buy virtual storage now? been wondering this for a while but all i get is "i think"
  15. I wanna buy a house but itll be useless if i cant upgrade storage
  16. Zombeh


    1. this isnt spam. 2. who the fuck is hades
  17. Don't tell me to put my hands up, Peasants

  18. Zombeh


    hi peasants
  19. I like would like a skill system but instead of gathering you can level up your processing time so it takes less time??
  20. Can you upgrade virtual inventory or physical?
  21. I never played on olympus before the wipe since I just bought arma a few months ago but I don't think it would be as fun since you would get everything fast, right now you work hard to get a gun if it gets handed to you then everyone would be able to buy guns which would increase chaos and RDM
  22. It's fine the way it is.. You have to work for the stuff you want, people want millions by just doing a drug run
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