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Everything posted by dubVee

  1. g hell yeah
  2. i play esea
  3. my new montage
  4. i can see u camping in spawn just from reading this
  5. i played 2 years before this too, just most of Olympus population now is new asf dawg chill we know your dick is bigger
  6. https://gyazo.com/2c691149382cf7ba73c1a9890a165b21
  7. https://gyazo.com/2c691149382cf7ba73c1a9890a165b21

  8. @Majed why down vote?
  9. I remember you saying the next would be in the next 1-2 weeks so do we have a date on it yet? hopefully my power doesnt flicker this time :/
  10. They play olympus tho?
  11. yes
  12. https://gyazo.com/0a9b9311dcd7ee1a9ba873f291f98b50
  13. good luck!
  14. why do you hope its not true
  15. ez my team gonna smack all of u plebs xd
  16. Since you're giving feedback.. https://soundcloud.com/yungccfuhhh/chillin-off-a-bean-prod-pharaoh-vice
  17. This post was made for perm seaman tags not to be reinstated but rip
  18. V*
  19. Luke Duke, Co1t, and I were just tryna get some big bands but then co1t got tapped. He the said “LAG LAG LAG LAG LAG” and milly mopped his keyboard.when he hit his keyboard his thumb hit ctrl + c and his pinky hit ctrl + v resulting in fushigi’s ip being leaked. It’s all a misunderstanding and he should be unbanned from TS
  20. Twas a day of greatness for some, as well as a day of infamy for some. Three brave, handsome, courageous young studs set out to sea on the search for Somalian Pirates. It was a rough ride out as they didn't have the necessary equipment, only accessible by members of the Coast Guard. Altis didn't have a Coast Guard at the time so they set out on a RHIB. They were also missing a key component: Deputy. If you have never been part of the APD, the Deputy is a key aspect to your survival as well as your fellow officer's safety. The deputy has a special ability, this is called 'Bitch'. They carry things necessary for every day patrol such as gas, repair kits, fak kits, and of course a suicide kit for when you get a car full of criminals (can be replaced by yeezys if more than 5 cops on). The three men setting out on the journey were @Luke Duke, @dubVee, and @Hoonter. They realized their lack of a deputy after a short amount of time and contacted R&R. R&R sent their sexiest, smartest, most-valiant member. The medic then notified the three officers that he was going to respond to a 'emergency situation', probably @McDili getting smashed by @Bob Bobson, then he'd be on his way. The officers decided to continue on their journey forward as Altis had reports of African's running around screaming oogla boogla or die then shooting everyone and also disrespecting the fine woman of Kavala. After some time and quick maths by the medic he found the three officers (literally off the map). This is when the officers discovered that Luke Duke is acoustic and managed to get the throttle stuck. There was no other option but to try to make it to the heli, so Future Seaman dubVee makes the jump into the water. The medic then hits a yy 180 quickscope, I mean turn and attempts to pick the officer up. Due to Ultra-Realistic-Physics dubVee was unable to enter the heli and ends up being consumed by a shark. The adventure continues on for quite some time and kilometers until they reach 108 kilometers from Pyrgos HQ. This is where the other 2 officers were finally picked up and transported to Interrogation Room 1 where they are demoted for "AFKing Hours", later recognized as bullshit by the community of Olympus and changed to "Neglecting duties". There was also a Altis Coast Guard added which lasted a solid 13 hours until the sAPD ran out of tampons and @G.O.A.T. didn't receive another load as Somalian Pirates took control of the waters and captured all Cargo Ships in the Area. I ask one thing, a Retired Seaman permanent tag to all the men involved. A way to remember to not create unique RP experiences and Practice robocopping as recommended by @Fushigi and pointed me towards his finest "RPer" @Last.
  21. Yeah that sounds like a unique role play experience, not in the handbook but it is frowned apon by SADP.
  23. An hour or two after I made this post I talked to @Fushigi and @Plumber for an hour or two about this situation. They repeatedly asked for me to look at it from their POV, so I tried to do so. I then informed them that if I was in their position I would not have demoted the three Patrol Officers as they didn't break any rules/ruin anyone else's gameplay. @Main even made a rubric breaking down the entire situation and it shows that we did NOTHING wrong. @RambleR also informed us that Goat has went around on Jetskis for hours, so what's the difference in us doing it? Do we not have enough clout? That also brings up the point of how divided the APD is. Every time i get on I always see senior APD in Unit Channels and they just leave the deputies to the PO's and Corporals. This is no flame/hate/disrespect to any of you because the want for power runs through all of our blood. @Fushigi and @Plumber also said that the post was just my friends backing us up/people who have blacklisted/demoted/removed from the APD and have a reason to hate on it. Well that's not true at all because I don't know most of the people that have backed us up in this forum post. There are also a GREAT amount of people who are respected in the community backing us. so, @Goat as you have the final decision on anything APD related, I ask you decide if @Luke Duke @Hoonter and I should be promoted back to PO or not. The hardest thing to do in today's world is to get a large amount of people to decide on one thing. Congress needs a 2/3 (66%) vote to pass a law and on this http://www.strawpoll.me/14645875/r we have 67% saying we shouldn't have been demoted.Olympus has thrived as they listen to their community’s ideas, you should also add to the handbook a rule on boat patrols. PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND @Goat. Thank you for your time.
  24. We were rping with the medic.
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