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Everything posted by dubVee

  1. Once again friend, I have a 7 digit job waiting on me straight out of college, man life is hard. oh and you got your friends to remove my post maybe because you couldnt read it its okay not all of us can interpret english
  2. Mr.High-Calibre Vocabulary, that nickname you gave yourself? Yes, it is false. "You are positively the most RETARDED person" lets focus on that. Retarded is someone that is slow to develop, I have had a 4.0 all of my life, in high school that's easy just memorization. I am astonished to tell you that I even have a 4.0 in college.
  3. Wipe the sweat off your forehead.
  5. So i join the ts with the people that got me onto olympus in the first place. There were a few well known names that use to put everything they had into the server. So i started drinking and we had a nice conversation about how Olympus or as they call it 'MC Entertainment' is going to the shitter if it is not already in the shitter. Well lets see here, lets just let cops abuse the tilde key in a so called RP server well its not. This is a place where u can cheat as much as you want and get away with it by paying $250 dollars. This is a place where the cop ranks are based around the senior APD's favorite people/if you're in MC. Love you all, k bye.
  6. i would have a video for you but shadow play broke so R.I.P
  7. FU** RP WE CAN JUST PRESS TILDE AND MAKE LIFE SO FUC**** EASY "okay T dubVee" - cop "wait you know my name" - dubVee "its above your head dipshit" - cop thats just the sum of the 10/10 RP on the server now PLEASE FIX MC PLEASE LIKE PLEASE MC PLEASE
  8. thanks man thank you
  9. my first montage enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v71DenydUkw
  10. thanks for promoting my vid buddy

  11. rip skins
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