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Everything posted by Creighton

  1. Two decked out quadbikes
  2. That makes sense. In my experience the cops usually return in the second wave in less than three minutes, and in double or tripple the numbers. I think 5 minutes NLR after the first wave is reasonable to give less experienced players a better chance, which could thereby encourage more runs during normal hours. This change would likely have no impact on anyone else I think.
  3. I think that there needs to be a few balance changes to cops -- particularly when it comes to responding to drug fields and processors. There needs to be some degree of NLR when it comes to these areas. A 5 minute NLR rule on the first wave would be appropriate to allow players who successfully fight off the first wave to decide to stay or dip out. Smaller gangs will likely scatter, and bigger gangs will likely stay to finish gathering or processing and fight it out. This would really just be a quality of life buff for smaller gangs, and may encourage smaller gangs to do more runs.
  4. I'll give you a decked out quadbike
  5. I only support this if titans and suicide vests get added to the gun shop in Kavala
  6. I've thought about this topic for a while, and discussed it with many of the people that I've played with. The risk vs reward for cops is completely fucked at the moment, and it's worsening the experience for civs. If you look at any thread about making money on the server you'll see most people suggesting that in order to make serious money one should just become a cop. It makes sense too -- dying as a cop is extremely cheap, and you make an absolute fuck ton of money when processing people with high bounties or by impounding trucks with tons of drugs. To make good money as a civ, you have to buy a full kit, take out a big truck, and then risk losing all of your gear, your vehicle(s), and potential profits by cops tasing you and other rebels cucking you because illegal runs are easily the best way to make money as a civ. Every run is always risky, even legal runs, because cops don't patrol those areas to protect civs. If you put in a call to the APD on the phone 99/100 times they'll ignore it. Instead they patrol the processing plants every 10 minutes, and arrest randoms in town because that's where the profits are There's the argument that sometimes a cop won't make money because of a lack of high bounty opportunities, and that's true, but civs face the same issue with even more to lose. Cops can easily discern where civs will be doing illegal runs by simply checking the market, then camping whatever is high until they get a big ass pay day. If they die then they regear for peanuts, and can be back out in the next wave in literally less than 2 minutes. I think cops need to pay an equivalent amount as civs for their gear on death, need a NLR applied to them the same as any other player, should make less from arrests/ impounding and they should be encouraged to actually help legal players instead of camping drug processors. People should play cops for the RP, not to make easy millions
  7. It's likely that anyone who streams would be a bigger benefit to this company than the company could possibly be to the streamer. Like you get sponsored and get a fuckin business card? Your reach is smaller than the average high school girl's Facebook friends list. The company offers nothing but rakes in 90% of whatever a streamer shills from his audience. Anyways this wouldn't be for me. Good luck!
  8. Pyramid scheme Edit: oh and to top it off the community that this guy is trying to push has 13 followers.... what fantastic exposure!
  9. I'm pretty sure that Cosma sent my friend to jail for jaywalking a week ago......
  10. Your experience will vary depending on the job that you sign up for, where you're stationed, if we're at war, and on many other things. If you want to be able to do any job to keep your options open make sure that you study in all of your classes, but especially math and english, so that you do well on your ASVAB.
  11. Good sale on all Arma 3 DLC going on now. I think APEX was $11.
  12. Way to keep it Constructive. +1 This isn't an accusation. I'm asking, is there a conflict of interest with the APD allowing gang members. You can see in the first picture that another BurBan person was also pardoned. He had a 120k-ish bounty as well. I don't have a screenshot of that, however.
  13. So if you see what I see here, there's a member of the APD pardoning a gang member from BurBan with 5 Manslaughters, 1 attempted Manslaughter, 1 Evading Arrest, and 1 Possession of an Illegal Weapon. I find that highly interesting, how any cop would see that guy as innocent and release him from charges that steep. I paid attention because I'm a Vigilante, and was monitoring the APD most wanted list. What made me suspicious of this conflict of interest is that in the past, I've seen APD members pardon BurBan players for $300,000 bounties out of the blue. Meanwhile plebs like me have to shoot a guy in self defense and end up in jail with all of my licenses cleared; because the first thing we forgot to do was text an APD member. There's a serious conflict of interest, and if gang members can just sweet talk their APD friends into pardoning them... what's the point of even having a bounty system? If the largest criminals on the server can get away with this, who does the system punish?
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