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Everything posted by dcretens09

  1. My brother and irl friend have no reason to lie to me. Ive seen this everyday in person or on an apd stream. a text from MC and engaging soon after. They only play to shoot. RP server with VERY little rp.
  2. Can i see a video? because im having a hard time believing he jumped out of his 600k truck to shoot at a heli with a rook and if he did, Im prob gonna slap the stupid out of him IRL.
  3. And this is where my friends and I call if for Olympus. Its just seems to be a big gang bang of gangless or small gang players. It seems like MC just wants to wasteland and all the other gangs are allied because they seem to be afraid of an even fight? What really pushed us off the server is when theres 6 players on the server and you finally feel safe enough to earn a little money you still get shot down from a hummingbird. This morning MC decided to hunt down the only other 2 people on the server? and find them pretty quickly at that. My buddies got shot down in their two Hemtt box trucks which took long enough to afford because its NEVER safe to earn money when 95% of the server wants to rob and an excuse to shoot you. salt is real.
  4. Fluffy's friend was robbing me the other day and while i was complying to his demands, fluffy shot me. His friend even said "Sry hes got an itchy trigger finger." good riddance.
  5. Got it. There was another arma (only seen in task manager) running in my background somehow preventing me from logging on to that server.
  6. Why is it telling me this when i try to log onto Olympus #1. Have i been banned? I had just logged on 2 minutes before and now its telling me this. IF this is a ban id like to know why or atleast receive an email telling me. Cant imagine it being a ban, im mostly a peaceful person on there.
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