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Everything posted by WavyTy

  1. How dare staff answer my comp request within 2 hours of them putting it in. How dare they.
  2. @ Grandma Gary flaming people is the greatest
  3. instead of being below para why not be like an alternate path? like you could either go para or combat medic? basically needing the same requirements as para
  4. @ Marcus im for the idea but would they be governed by the same rules? Could said medic be robbed for the taser? would another test be required? Or just a TaG thing?
  5. 30mil
  6. the dp 23 shed (the tree shed when server 2 was a thing) we bought i server 1 for 100 mil before the moonshine nerf. speaking on 1 member we had made well over 500 mil using the shed when Noble was around. Thats 1 member now think of how much a zerg Noble was back then. Sheds are definitely worth alot of money for the location
  7. Any gangs recruiting?
  8. How else would we win? #botgang
  9. Why have 1 when you can have 2?
  10. 15mil plus trade for meth shed
  11. ill go 3mil
  12. Interested in buying a 4 crater in dp22 on server 1, if you're selling shoot me a message in game or on the forums with a price.
  13. 1$
  14. Cheese has high blood pressure. He might die. <3

  15. Get a BenQ, i run 3 monitors 2 24in BenQ both at 144hz. Only problem is you need the dvi-d and dvi-i ports if you run 2 of them
  16. Right acrossed the street I'll upload a screen shot when I get out of work
  17. I know I'm moving all move stuff from server 2 too server 1
  18. I'm selling a house that overlooks kavala square on server 2
  19. When you are at work and try to start rping a customer and find out its not arma. Good job Olympus. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ham


      I remember one time when a deputy said he liked to use teh "What is your name" and RP like like, so guy said he was batman the deputy said he was gonna check licenses, so I went over there and said "Looks like this man was in a house fire and has no fingerprints, you can't do DNA tests because he is a "Bat" man, also the facal recognition devices are broken today." and walked off. The deputy said to me "Now I can't process him." I walked over to them and said, "Hey your name was leaked in the last movie you were in so your name is *insert name here* ,sorry about the delay" :P

    3. ComradeGoonie


      I'm already an introvert but after working in Kavala. I am scared of large crowds and become afraid at the sight of khaki shorts and Polo shirts.

    4. Ham


      Is that a phone in their pocket, or a rook?


  20. That moment when you have apd tags and not in the apd and im in the apd and dont have them qq
  21. WavyTy


    It's all good i just thought i would ask sense i have seen it their for awhile now.
  22. WavyTy


    I'v seen it going a couple different ways and that's why i ask. Some servers use it ask a type of skill building thing. So you get s certain stat up you get a bonus. For example you do a weed run you get your weed stat up your processing is faster and you make a bonus paycheck when you sell or is it just going to tell you that you sold this amount of weed on the server?
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