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Everything posted by Ham
@GoodDustin - I use to get you guys mixed up. I've had some really fun times playing with you, like killing the rdmers with a 50 cal from castle. You were also surprised I knew where Haliifax was <3
You don't even play Olympus I should've put a disclaimer.
lol <3 <3 Sorry, did I write it wrong Thanks Dad numero 3 <3 I do look like Hitler Youth <3 <3 okay, kick him.
Yeah, it was fum killing you and watching you complain in sidechat.
Dez.. I know you see this... come home
Ham replied to ProfessionalHostage 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Check, are you drunk? -
Dez.. I know you see this... come home
Ham replied to ProfessionalHostage 's topic in General Chit-Chat
wtf is this xD -
I can't edit anymore I made one for you though... Trumper - After I left MC and wasn't in a gang, you would always message me to get me back in. Also, when I was in MC, it was fun playing with you bb <3 Get ready to remove some of that signature.
Phizx - You're really fun to play with and you also are pretty funny. Idk why you invited Ash to your gang though. I guess it was out of pity. But, thanks for all the great times in T teamspeak. And, I'm pretty sure you were in LGN or NaCLO
Dick Hurtz - Takes after Jopple with the "Fuck you, Ham" also I loved playing cop with you. You never played seriously and you always made it fun. ily <3 <3
Yeah, I'll probably play again tonight just for a goodbye thing. And I'll try to get every so often. Cake - Because you made me feel bad about no putting you. Cake, you call everyone irrelevant and you literally fuck on everyone. You're fun to play with and you have no problem roasting the fuck out of someone when they are being a flaming faggot. You're also funny as fuck. ily <3
Fedot - Dad, i will always be your bodyguard on medic. I'll have the PDub in my backpack and if someone says shit to you dad, I will cap the fuck outta them. Love me dad
I love you bb, It won't let me edit it anymore
omfg xD Lol nice voice changer, Thanks man <3 Means alot <3
Yeah Thanks man, I'll play some and I'll join you on DayZ too I'll put one in for you too
<3 and pfft, wasn't half bad? Dude, I'm a fucking god jk, thanks Moob
So, people probably already know this, but I'm leaving. And no, I'm not leaving to join Archesite, Asylum, or any other server, I'm just leaving. I might comeback here an there to mess around, or even help out on cop, but for the most part I'm gone. So, there aren't really any reason why I'm leaving, but I have a few. 1. It seems that Olympus really isn't the same, to me. 2. No one RPs with me anymore. RP is the part of the game that made it extremely fun for me and why I continued to play it for a year. 3. And ArmA just kind of got boring. Well, games in general. I know that every leaving post has to some kind of list to thank others/ or roast them a bit, so here we go. By the way, please don't get salty if I didn't leave you here. I probably haven't played with you much. Fanelli - Dude, you don't play anymore, and haven't for a long time, but you're the one who got me to be a cop and helped me get my PO and got me somewhere. Also, one of the best people to play with. Rambler - You thought I was 17 lol, but dude, your the most fun to play with. Chilling on medic or cop with you was some of the best/funniest times. Kevin Mofafa - We paradropped as medics to revive people, I also missed the building. I'm a fucking shame, but you're one of the funniest people on the server. RDM'd Peter with a 50 cal. Cody - Kevin's partner in crime dude. Superior - I love you bb <3 I will never forget you <3 Quintin - Last member of the dep squad. You never play anymore and it was fun playing with you Clemenza - Saved me from getting a blacklist when I accidentally Metagamed. Also, hearing all your Hitler facts is cool. You're also a great guy and you're turning the APD around, into the right direction. Hope all goes well with the Orange County Police Department and that you don't get shot badaim - You use to hate me, because I was squeaky, but then you said, "You're not as squeaky as I thought". So, I ended up joining T and finding out that you're actually a great person, really funny as well. If you need help with those meth runs, just tell me. Trimorphious - We were in LGN and NaCLO together. The fucking OG gangs and you always got mad when people called you Trimorphidon. You sound like you smoke pure cancer everyday. You're a cool person to play with and always put up with my shit since LGN. All the T guys - You're a cool fucking group of guys, I didn't want to write one for every single one of you, so I broke it down into this. You guys knwo how to have fun and not take everything so seriously. G.O.A.T - Tbh, I didn't even know why you liked me and why you wanted me to become a corp. You are really fucking funny and the only Kek Lord. Danny isn't a memester and never will be. ily G.O.A.T <3 TheRealKyle - Gets banned for racism and makes a meme out of it instead of complain like a little bitch You, G.O.A.T, EatMeth and Dejay are practically the same people. You are the RealKyle and not some Skrub Kyle (2) <3 EatMeth - You better get me I fucking iHops. I protested for those and you said you would get them for me, and then you knocked me off a building. If my mom beats me and my dad is an alcohol, does it mean that suicide is the answer? ily <3 Dejay - I didn't play with you much, btu you literally roast the fuck out of people on the forums and it's funny as hell. #FreeDejay SystemChips - I always enjoyed just sitting in T ts and talking to you dude. Always messing around and being dumbasses. ily <3 Moob - Seems like you would be a douche, but you actually aren't, people always complain that you're bias and that you demote anyone that says anything about you or MC, but the people who say that probably have some form of mental retardation. You let me in your gang and even after I left, you're not a douche. You always like taking me away from HQ restrained an killing me as well. And McDili ran you over. <3 Peter - <17:18:15> "Peter Long": i better get a shout out for best admin ever <17:18:18> "Peter Long": fuckface Peter, you were the best admin ever, like why aren't you Head Head Admin? You always Zubr me in restrains and you yelled at me because I wasn't 16 "Ham, Why aren't you Sixteen, you fucking retard". FuzyDice - You are the fucking G. You don't give a shit what other people say, you do what you want and what is right. You're one of the most fun people to play with and you always have been. You never ever bashed on me for being a squeaker and you always were a cool guy. Best of luck to you dude <3 Gary - You let me keep on my cop and whenever you were caught I would lethal the other cops and get you away from them. ily Gary <3 HamOfMoose - "You have my name, you better pas your test." McDili - Cool Kat that crushed my Sergeant dreams. JK, I love you McDili and you gave me the opportunity to be a corporal, thank you Bubbaloo - Banned me for killing you after 4 seconds and not 5. I killed you with binos. You believed in me and pushed me to be a corporal and I really thank you for that. <3 Andrew - You wouldn't stop flaming me until I put your name in this, so I asked Bubbaloo. You called me dad when we were playing CS:GO. That's the first time I haven't called anyone Dad, since the real one left ily bb <3 Gidgit - "I'll perm ban you if you step down from cop, or do anything to get dewhitlisted." Gidgit, I know you approved my corporal recommendation. <3 And please, stop "pounding my mom". Mr. Kevin - Chases helis into the redzone and only gets demoted for having fun xD. Kevin, ily. Even though you call me a shitter and that I suck at the game, I still <3 you. Issac Newton - My favorite Corporal. You were one of the only people, when I joined cop, that never hated on me or my voice. You're also a cool guy. Congrats on Mod man <3 Doc - "You shouldn't even be a cop because of the way you RP, you're fucked up in the head." <3 Gummycow - The fucking Trashtalking Gorilla. You're a fucking savage and you don't give two fucks. <3 3 Rip - You didn't hack, everyone knows it. You're a fucking god and you know how to play. If there is one thing anyone could give me as a present for leaving, it would to be unbanning you. The only thing you did wrong was love the server and want to play on it. <3 RougeMK - I blew up the tempest that we stole from those guys and we made like 2.5 mil. Rouge, you're a fucking G. Sergeant 4 a day. <3 Mobundo - I left your gang twice and I'm a traitor, but you still love me and you need to pay child support. GhostFace - I forgot you at first, but then I remembered that I forgot the redbull/beer/monster spitting on monitor king. You're a really fucking guy and no matter what anyone says dude, you'e a fucking G man. I wish the best to you man <3 Buffalo Bill - You have the same sense of humor as me. You also like beating dogs. You Micheal Vick wannabe ilb <3 Wtfmguy - Tried to stop me from stepping down. You always have me proof your montages, and I have to say, they're getting better. Learn to use the dewhitelist thing and not have to ask Gidgit. ily <3 BigPat - Everyone talks shit on you, but you're actually a cool guy. You're always fun to play with and you never get salty. Always know how to have a good time. Mango - The cool leader of NW that actually pays child support. Thanks for adopting me <3 Mory Mango - I thought you were the biggest bitch, but then I joined MC, and you're actually a cool guy and you're really fun to play with. Ninja - You invited me to your gang like 100 times a day and then I finally joined, you also agreed with Doc that i shouldn't be a cop <3 Josh122 - You follow me into every gang I get into. It was funny when I tazed to put you in jail and you joined my gang lol. <3 "Is it okay If I peed on my leg?" Joel - You use to be a piece of shit, now you're actually kind of cool. You remind of this fat wannabe Mexican at my school named Ethan. Fuzzy - You're really fun to play with and you're really messed up sometimes. Juwanna Man - You actually paid child support, but only for like 2 months and then you sold me to pay for your cocaine addiction. Fuck you dad <3 ily bb Fushigi - You were my Deputy, I helped you get PO and then you left me and got corporal, you basically used me. I'm not mad at you, I never had been, I just wanted to make you feel like shit. ily <3 Benji - You and your long hair bro. You're a cool guy, but you need to stop your forum shit talk. Dejay is the only Forum Warrior. You're a really good shot. You're also younger than me and have a deeper voice. it makes me want to kill myself. <3 John (Linka) - You use to be a shitter, and now you're not. You don't play much anymore, but you're still the best dude. I hope all goes well for you. I will never forget how bad you beat me when we were playing Minecraft. You're a really funny guy that rages too much. ily dude <3 Maverick - You're fun to play with, but you have a bit of an anger problem. You were my cop buddy and it was really fuck on the heli patrols. I hoep you some how get your corporal back, but when you weren't mad, you were a really good cop. ily dude <3 I guess you got permed Kanger - Produces the best fucking titan rockets ever, as well as one of the best heli pilots. <3 You're also a really cool guy Xilla - One of my NW buddies, you're a good shot, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're really funny dude, you're also fun as hell you play/rob with. Jopple - You only play LoL but you always come into my channel and say fuck you Ham <3 ily Jopple. Keep being the cancer you've always been <3 Haunter - Whenever anyone says your name, I say what lol. My names Hunter Dude, you're fun to play with and we would rob people in M and than was fun Xavier - I've know you forever and you've always been a great guy. You're a really good player and people don't know that. You also combat logged on me when i seized your ifirit and I never reported you. ily dude <3 Poro - You finally got your corporal after waiting for the longest time. You are one of the best cops there is and you deserve that corporal. The times that me and you patrol Kavala were really fun, I also fucking superman jumped to get you restrianed. lol ily Poro <3 Now for someone who needs to be roasted Ash/Ashton/I'mGoodBecauseIGetAPityInviteToEveryGangIGetInto - Fuck you dude. You're a racist, wannabe, dick-riding degenerate. You literally need to stop talking and posting on the forums, go play some fucking My Little Pony you fucking cunt. You literally wake up everyday and feel like being a tumor. I don't know why you even play anymore, like your shitter than my parents abusing me. You literally need to, in the words of Buffalo Bill, Go vertical. Like holy fuck dude. You're basically the fucking grass stain on my blue jeans when I was 5. Fuck you fucking dumbass. If I forgot you, say something and I'll edit you in. Okay, Well that should be about it. I've been on Olympus for a year and it has been really fun guys. The amount of times I've gotten into a better mood because of Olympus is boundless. This is the best community there is and there is no doubt that it isn't true. I will never forget Olympus and I will most liekly comeback and play somemore, but for now, I probably won't be playing. I love you guys and just keep doing what you are doing <3 Sincerely, Ham <3
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Get rid of that attitude.