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Everything posted by Ryne

  1. MINT is doing good atm. We are still in work process for our new gang and is coming along well. Reminder: We are in need of more members so don't feel shy to apply for our gang, MINT. If you do want to apply go to search bar on the site and type this and only word : MINT. To those who do apply in the future good luck in your acceptance to the gang. Good Luck, Twitchy [Sergeant Major Of MINT]

  2. Apply For MINT. We are looking for experienced players that know the Arma 3 Olympus game-play well and are pretty decent at the game. APPLY Here for MINT : 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryne


      Thanks B) To be back. Making gang, getting promoted on R&R, it damm good atm.

    3. JoeL


      You have -7 rep...

    4. Ryne


      Then give me some love.. And it wont be a scar to my profile anymore. XD


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