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Everything posted by Ryne

  1. There wasn’t even 36 people at the start, and when people get stacks 10mil+ 50/100k blinds don’t really fit.. Tournament went over the estimated finish time, so was already being dragged out. Coulda lasted 3 hours+, but I don’t know what happened at the last table.
  2. Would definitely enter again. Maybe up the blinds near the end? Also the fee to enter should be higher, felt like some people were a little reckless cuz it was only a 1mil..
  3. Is this community dead yet ?

    1. JoeL


      I had to spam into the full server for 5 minutes straight yesterday, so no.

    2. johnny goose
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Been in its death throes for the last 10 years at this point so should be any day now ^_^

  4. So anything above 15 is good for you guys...
  5. That dude inactive as fuck lmao
  6. Ryne

    $5 Mil Giveaway

  7. This dude spammin the thread fr, maybe space ur stuff out??
  8. I’ve been removed for inactivity like 15 times now, your a nobody…
  9. I don’t think he knows I’ve been APD and RNR for a long time.
  10. We been trying to tell them xd
  11. This guy serious? Software Engineer know it all?
  12. Congrats @ Aceee  now calm down on hours?

    1. Aceee


      Maybe, we will see xD

  13. good luck champ
  14. Happy New Year!

  15. Chester's Dopiest Medical Shop 

    "Business Is Good!"


  16. I wonder if Ryan ever pulled those extra things he promised for the giveaway yet…

  17. I'm active duty, so boost my morale!
  18. Ryne


    Lol, someone is upset
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