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  1. I was talking to admins on the ts and i dont have to be 16 lmao. 

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    2. TheSkyStarKnight


      @Dick Hurtz Ouch.

      @Jonas You DO have to be 16+ in order to be accepted into R&R and APD like Andrew said. There are few exceptions that may be made at R&R coordinator and Chief of Police's expense. These exceptions are based off of your ability to maintain a position and understand that it is a privilege and not a "job", as well as maintain the amount of maturity required to run the position. Making posts such as this that create a direct message to somebody who is Sr.APD and a moderator (and S&R; never forget) is not the way to show that you mature, especially when you try to throw out everything that other people say. Please read over the rules again and take into consideration what these people said when they were trying to help you.

    3. OG Doc
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