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Dick Hurtz

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Posts posted by Dick Hurtz

  1. Just now, Barrack Obama said:

    all Obamacare did was help people,  People that already had insurance were granted new benefits and the price of health care was regulated, for those who didn't already have insurance it offered them affordable health care, and free for the poor. The war in Iraq cost the us 1.7 trillion and only started because bush accused iraq having wwmd which was false. It had nothing to do with isis

    I'd rather explain to the wall trump is going to build then explain this again to you. The wall would probably be less dense.

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  2. 15 minutes ago, Barrack Obama said:

    yeah fuck that obama guy giving people free health care and ending the war in Iraq who the hell does he think he is!

    Free healthcare? Not one part of his Obamacare was free it costed a shit ton of money and took everyone's else insurance and made the cost sky rocket. Multiple businesses and ambulance companies went out business because of this so called "free healthcare." The war in Iraq was meant to keep the terrorism at bay and off of our homeland but since we pulled our troops out everything that has been done and all the lives sacrificed was undone. The ideology of ISIS prevails and everyday commit attacks across the globe. Ending it is not much to cheer for. 

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