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Everything posted by 3Rip

  1. 3Rip

    Ban Evading

    i can name a decent amount of mc ban evading.
  2. im doing this in the middle of world civ so im not really taking time revise my replies my dude that was in my last montage. And moob wasnt in an ifrit he was standing still 30 meters infront of me and i shot mory mango hard peaking us on big about 5 seconds later Go look at my kill montags 7 at 52 seconds. There is nothing sketchy about that at all. And I dont know where you got this idea that he was is in ifrit becuas there wasnt even one pulled and he was shooting at one of my guys when i shot him lol
  3. i dont act cocky or like im better/smarter or anything like this at all in real life. It really just is you guys talking shit and fueling my ego so i talk shit back and since i have a big ego saying im better is my shit talk
  4. im honestly not that mad theres lots of other servers
  5. why do you guys think moob is so good he is nothing special you idiots calling me a hacker made my ego what it is. So you can blame how i act on your beliefs
  6. dustin literally no one likes you
  7. 5,600 and you still dont know what a good player is. Maybe arma isnt for you if you have double my hours and still shit
  8. alright ace lets go ahead and clear some things up. I have been a good player for months. I got asked to join mayhem because i was a good shot as corporal. I never made a huge JUMP to being good. Just months of playing made me the player I am. I have been accused of hacking since the start of mayhem which was over 5 months ago. The reason I was bad THE FIRST DAY I came back is because i didnt play arma for like 4 days. After that i was back to the good player i am getting 3-5 kills a fight. I understand a shitter like you may not be able to comprehend my skill but face it, im just better than you
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