Dear Olympus staff and the Olympus community, i am very sorry for my actions. I reached over twenty-five hundred hours in the known game Counter Strike Global Offence, as you know Counter Strike global Offence is a very
repetitive game and the competitive servers were ruined due to the amount of hackers on them. After playing Twenty-five hundred hours of the repetitive game I simply got bored and tired of the hackers in the game. One day I was playing the greatest Altas life server known as Olympus and we were pretty bored and one of
my friends invited me to play a game of Counter Strike Global Offence and I replied with "Nah sorry bro, I have so many hours in that boring repetitive game". He then replied with "Bro i have undetectable cheats that are
fun as hell to use" so then I thought to my self i do not really care about the game Counter Strike Global Offence so why not use some free cheats. My friend then sent me the Counter Strike Global Offence cheats and I booted them up Turned on the ESP played my first game with them and dropped
a sixty bomb. Surprisingly it was incredibly fun shooting kids through walls, even though it was a high risk of getting caught I was enjoying the esp way too much to care. My good Friend Matt The Savage told me to stop blatantly hacking or i would get over watch banned, i did not really care though.
After Forty plus wins with using the ESP hack I was over watched banned which was well deserved. I then realized that I was ruining the experience for other players and that I should not of used cheats and played the game legitimately. Hacking in games is bad because it ruins the experience for other players and can a ruin a game.
I Understand that what i did was wrong, and I will never cheat/ use hacks in another game associated with steam. I hope you understand why i have this VAC ban and why i received this VAC ban, I am sincerely sorry for hacking and
ruining the experience for others.