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PD Application Question?

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There are something like 168 officers currently White Listed in the APD.  Responsible for them are: 5 SGTs and 2 LTs and 1 Captain.  There is something like 5-10 more applications for APD per day.  When the LTs do interviews they do anywhere from 5-10 at a time and then run them through the basic training and gear up.  It may take a few days to get to you.


The current process was put in place to weed out those who wont be able to handle dealing with the general trolling that we have to deal with.  If you don't have patience to wait for your interview, then you most likely wont have enough patience to deal with the crap storm that is Kav Square.


Take the extra time to ensure that you have read and learned the server rules (very important), the APD Handbook and the Ticket Guide, if you can't pass the questions asked of you, you wont get White Listed.

There are something like 168 officers currently White Listed in the APD.  Responsible for them are: 5 SGTs and 2 LTs and 1 Captain.  There is something like 5-10 more applications for APD per day.  When the LTs do interviews they do anywhere from 5-10 at a time and then run them through the basic training and gear up.  It may take a few days to get to you.


The current process was put in place to weed out those who wont be able to handle dealing with the general trolling that we have to deal with.  If you don't have patience to wait for your interview, then you most likely wont have enough patience to deal with the crap storm that is Kav Square.


Take the extra time to ensure that you have read and learned the server rules (very important), the APD Handbook and the Ticket Guide, if you can't pass the questions asked of you, you wont get White Listed.

yeh I have done these things and I'm not impatient I was just wondering what the deal was and what was happening...

while you wait reread the handbook over and over, I am waiting for my constable test and i have read the handbook like 20 times.

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