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Taxi Lic.


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Just curious, When you get a taxi lic is all you get a new garage spawn location? Or do you load in like you would a medic.
I didnt know if there was a mecanic for feature or not.  It would be cool like a medic to see where to pick people up.
Naturally I like to help people out flying my Orcha or my purple hummingbird "Lucy I". Until I get my ol' job back as a medic you can find me in the skys acting like a Heathen.
Its been awhile and i can't wait to get back into it.

OutLaw Transportation can get the job done.
Taxi Ride: 10k
Cargo Transportation Air/Land: Ask for Pricing/Percentage.
Repair/First Aid: 5k
Mis.(food,water, ((ammo lockpicks etc...)): Pricing May Vary
Corddinated Runs, Strike Team, Evac, Tac Insert, Air Insert... etc: Price Available Upon Request

Now if your in a pinch and im messing around, ill prob help you out for free.
In the name of Olympus, I wish you the best of luck.

Mr. Theak Over and Out

With a taxi license you are able to buy taxi-skinned vehicles and you receive notifications with markers on the map showing you who requested a taxi and where they are. Do not expect to make much money as a taxi though. Also be sure to read the rules regarding your rights and also your responsibilities and restrictions as a taxi.

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>Get taxi license

>Buy taxi hummingbird


>See call for taxi

>Respond, set pricing, and leave to pick them up

>Land, they start talking, not sure what they're saying over rotor noise

>Unlock heli so they can get in

>Gets shot


>Tell them in side chat stealing taxi heli's is failed RP


>Heli gets chopped

>Never taxi again

Wow thank you for the information
@Marty, I will look at that now. I didnt see the option to buy let alone change the skin color.
@Tron The way i look at it isn't to make money, but to help the community. While yes your accurate and funny depiction is a high risk look at a taxi's job, none the less is another risk in the game. Weather your drug running, dimmond mining or just simply fishing there is always that lingering risk of... what if that @$$ hat(#Gang) is going to fly over and ruin my day. Terrorisom is real and fear controls the weak. Its a natural law that just ... is. You learn who to help and who to avoid.
My goal is to help out when someone is having a rough go at it. Maybe arma decides it needs more steal in its diet and bam your brand new uninsured suv full of hopes and dreams is now on fire -.-. 
Frustration is a game killer and Arma can be frustrating on a good day.
Like you said it yourself, you never played Taxi again ruining an entire part of the game for you. A part of the game that helps to assist others further isolating players.

Sure you have the stardard scat players who prey on the weak and steal from the poor, im mean... we have all done it ;) but what we dont have much of are players that go out of their way to accually help the Olympous server grow and prosper.
You can fish in a barrel and eat like a king, or feed the fish and build an empire.
The more you rob and piss everyone off the less they will want to play, lend a hand and make it an enjoyable game for all.

OutLaw Transportation will be an indepently contracted service for the moment.
Personally i like my little purple bird, Lucy I better. Arma Karma is real!

Mr.Theak Over and Out

8 minutes ago, Theak said:

I didnt see the option to buy let alone change the skin color.

At the taxi npc you can buy new vehicles. All the vehicles sold by the taxi npc have taxi skin. You can get a taxi hatchback, suv, or helicopter there. You cannot change the skin of existing vehicles to taxi skin.

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