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Locked Ban Time Too Severe?


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So today I got banned for 3 days. You want to know why? For not saying "I will now be sending you too jail." First off, I understand there could be more severe cases of vigi abuse and stuff but really...3 days? BREAKING RP ON AN RP SERVER IS A LESS SEVERE BAN THEN NOT SAYING "I will now be sending you to jail." Now how in the hell does that make sense?

16 minutes ago, MrBoonie said:

Don't post a forum thread complaining on how your ban is unfair or unjustifiable, the moderator/administration team is picked for a reason they handle all reports/bans in a reasonable, mature, and level headed manner. Submit a ban appeal ticket instead and you can fight your case and reasoning there. Posting a thread will get you nowhere. Have a goodday.


From harasser to helper, what a great guy! :)

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Not the place for ban appeals. Go to the support section - new request - ban appeal. Good luck. 

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