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Paying 500k for someone to fix my Arma

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Everytime i open the game it will crash within 2min of me moving my mouse. when
i exit the game it gives me the error 0xcffffffff - status application_hang. it
would also give me another message something about dxci but im not sure exactly
what it said.
Things ive tried to fix it-
Reseting all my files and upgrading to windows 10
updated all of my graphic card drivers
reinstalled multiple times
verified integrety threw steam
turned off windows firewall and any anti virus 
Here are my logs from the crash   https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxPjr2283ooMQnktLXUwQmRaa0E     
If you are going to tell me some dumbass shit like " verify threw steam bro" or " reintstall it should work bro" dont even fuckin comment this isnt for retards i need someone who can read arma logs and see what the issue is.
whoever fixes it gets 500k 
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