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Hey guys, a few of you have already seen me around, but I figured I would formally introduce myself.


I'm Buddha, 26 years old. U.S. Army veteran and proud father of 2 little girls. I've been on Olympus a little over a month or so now, and really enjoy myself here. I started out running peaches until I could afford an offroad, after that I went to drugs. After losing 800k in a single day in rebel gear I decided that drugs were too risky and went to legal methods, since then I have made somewhere around 3 million and spent most of it on larger vehicles and upgrades for them.


I'm just here to have a good time, I try to be friendly to every person I come across, usually leading to my death. if you see me around feel free to say hello, I will most likely respond.


If any of the newer guys, or someone looking for a break from drugs needs backup and companionship during a legal run, hit me up in game, you can find me on server 2 usually under [TF72]Buddha.

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