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well I guess ill start this off with hello and a little back story:] Im a 16 year old kid from Cali, with a voice that doesnt fit my age lol. I play with a couple of cool guys... and one retard. I always had an intrest In roleplay more than shoot em up bang bang missions, as I orginate from a game called Reign of Kings, and used to RP and such when I was younger. Shame that game went to shit and got abandoned:( (lol) 

Anyways, If You reading this you may have already met me on the server, Ive been playing for about a week now id say. I try to stay away from killing people, (execpt self defense) and dont really like robbin people for the most part lol. Ive been to the prison many times so I think ive met most of the officers on the server:).  I have a gang going called G7B, meaning gollum, (&) billy. 

I mostly roleplay as a sort of dumb criminal, (or I am one) and it seems I have some pretty bad luck when it comes to doing Illegal things. Im not a very salty dude and enjoy talking to the cops after getting arrested. Really need to fix contraband search though :( billy stuck for long hour.

And that about sums up me, I hope I can make some good friends on here, and some good enemys lol. Cool website, thanks for reading


Ps. IF you see caleb on the streets watch out he is really fucking dumb... and a sqeaker lol

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