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Story Time

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Tell your funny story's here. Hopefully this gets somewhere but I feel like there needs to be a goto place for some interesting stories/situations that you have been a part of in Altis Life

Well it was a beautiful day in Pyrgos, the wind was breezy, the sky was blue, the sun was warm. All of the sudden, Grandma Gary FLIES down the road with a car. Needless to say, we chased this criminal down. 


Squall, Gary's lawyer, then informs us that Grandma Gary is blind and deaf. But that Gary is also a Jedi, and can use the forks.


I'm confused, why is Gary allowed to drive if he is blind and deaf? Well he offers to show me a magic trick. So, I unrestrained him for this, and he does some karate and then morphs through a wall. Magic at this time is illuminati confirmed.


We take Gary back to HQ, and then he strikes up a deal. He said he gets in his offroad and I get into mine, and whoever becomes immobile first loses. If he lost, we take him in. If I lost, he goes free. Well, before we started, Mr Derek of the APD shoots his tires out.


For his interference, Grandma Gary was livid. Suddenly Gary's truck just spangled itself into the air and landed down right next to my truck and many officers and civilians, causing an explosion killing more than a handful of people. I think it's pretty obvious what happened, Grandma Gary actually is a Jedi and used the FORKS to channel his anger.


After this, he used a Jedi mind trick to get one of the officers to toss a flashbang, taze me, and then drive Grandma Gary away to let him go. 




Moral of the story? Don't F**K with Grandma Gary.

I got a good one lol.


So I had just finished a silver run, was taking the money back to the atm in athira when as soon as I parked my vehicle I get a text to put my hands up or die. So im sitting there thinking I am about to be robbed, even had a few gang mates en route to come save me, when I noticed it was TREF, so I hop in their teamspeak and talk with them while they load me into the helicopter. We fly to some island in the gulf where they inform me that some members needed to be initiated, and I would be sacrificed. So i'm preparing to die when they tell me I can save myself if I knew any good You're Momma jokes. Unfortunately I couldnt remember a single joke because I was laughing so hard, so they took me into a circle and started chanting some strange things before the new guys executed me.


In the end, it was some awesome RP from a good group of guys, I enjoyed myself even if i did have to die.


*EDIT* had the gang wrong, fixed it

Edited by Buddha

Well it was a beautiful day in Pyrgos, the wind was breezy, the sky was blue, the sun was warm. All of the sudden, Grandma Gary FLIES down the road with a car. Needless to say, we chased this criminal down.

Squall, Gary's lawyer, then informs us that Grandma Gary is blind and deaf. But that Gary is also a Jedi, and can use the forks.

I'm confused, why is Gary allowed to drive if he is blind and deaf? Well he offers to show me a magic trick. So, I unrestrained him for this, and he does some karate and then morphs through a wall. Magic at this time is illuminati confirmed.

We take Gary back to HQ, and then he strikes up a deal. He said he gets in his offroad and I get into mine, and whoever becomes immobile first loses. If he lost, we take him in. If I lost, he goes free. Well, before we started, Mr Derek of the APD shoots his tires out.

For his interference, Grandma Gary was livid. Suddenly Gary's truck just spangled itself into the air and landed down right next to my truck and many officers and civilians, causing an explosion killing more than a handful of people. I think it's pretty obvious what happened, Grandma Gary actually is a Jedi and used the FORKS to channel his anger.

After this, he used a Jedi mind trick to get one of the officers to toss a flashbang, taze me, and then drive Grandma Gary away to let him go.

Moral of the story? Don't F**K with Grandma Gary.

Dont mess with the FORKS man. Don't do it man that shit will mess you up real good.

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