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So has this happened to anyone else..

With all of the Mission files being a little different everyday it seems. I logged on one day and my Y inventory in one of my houses was just gone. then the next day in the same house one crate had every weapon gone except for 8 repair kits but all of my other crates had everything in them same with my other houses nothing was missing. Has this happened to anyone else? Also before anyone says it i already made a Comp Ticket thursday still no reply.

Comp tickets take time the admins need to go through the logs, and if you don't know the exact time something was lost they need to go through a fuckton of stuff. Just be patient.

Are you making your crates have a full storage bar? If so, probably your issue. However, when you store/add things to your home, especially when the server is having very poor performance you can suffer loss of data. All should be fine here on out though as we have found the issue causing the performance decrease.

Oh I know it takes time for them to go through the request didnt mean for it to sound like i was impatient.. @Jesse no they wernt fully maxed out neither was the Trunk inventory on the house..I just assumed it was because fo all of the new missiopn files and what not...was just curious to see if this has happened to anyone else

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