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House's? and some other things? Help?

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So I have a question. I'm fairly new to the servers.

I had a few questions.

1. If anyone can buy a home owners license, and buy a house, can we store items in it at all? or do we have to donate to be able to store anything in our house(s).

We had to buy the DLC for arma 3 to have access to karts, and the new helicopters, so do we have to donate to the server to actually have access to this?


I find this very odd, and slightly disappointing. For instance. I bought the DLC bundle for arma 3, but yet to even have access to it on the server I have to donate.


Then with homes. Everyone is able to buy the home owners license, able to buy a house(s), and able to buy the crates in the market. But yet to actually store anything at all in your home, and to even place the crates you have to donate.


No where on the forums, besides the donate tab, and no where on or in the server, does it say anything about donating being required to store items.  I can only imagine how many people have wasted money buying a house, and 3 large crates just to find out they couldnt use any of it, and not be able to get any of that money back.





So you said you had a few questions but you literally answered every single question on your own. Currently you have to be a donated to store items yes, in the next big update each house will have 100 virtual inventory that will allow you to upgrade. Now whether or not you need to be a donater to upgrade the storage I simply don't know. The same goes for whether or not you will be able to place crates in your house without donating. 


In regards to donator exclusive stuff the server has to do this so they can afford to run the servers. If people don't donate it's hard for them to maintain 3 servers, 1 teamspeak, and a website. In order to get a mohawk or use the gokarts you must have the dlc as well as have the required donator rank. However you are able to buy all of the dlc helicopters without needing to donate to the server. 

I know I answered them myself, but I still meant them as questions, more or less asking if someone could confirm all of it.


To donate $50. just to have access to a kart, is beyond ignorant...Why pay $50+$25(the dlc bundle) so $75, which is more then what the game costs. just to be able to use a kart. I can understand the donating to access them sure, I get that it costs money to run servers ect. But not $50 for a kart. 


If there going to make houses 99.99% donation, they should atleast add something into the game, like on the (m) page or something

I know I answered them myself, but I still meant them as questions, more or less asking if someone could confirm all of it.


To donate $50. just to have access to a kart, is beyond ignorant...Why pay $50+$25(the dlc bundle) so $75, which is more then what the game costs. just to be able to use a kart. I can understand the donating to access them sure, I get that it costs money to run servers ect. But not $50 for a kart. 


If there going to make houses 99.99% donation, they should atleast add something into the game, like on the (m) page or something



Donating to use a go kart is completely option and doesn't impact the game at all. Not to mention the go kart is but one of the items you get for that tier. Lastly you choose what servers you play on, these aren't official arma servers they are community driven. 

When i play on civ i try to hand out some donator items here and the mostly its go karts if you ever see me in game just ask me for a kart and im happy enough to let you use it until restart if you dont chop it.

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