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Deep Thoughts with Sean

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I just wanna know what y'all think about before you goto sleep that makes you stay up for another hour. For me its thinking that at any point in my sleep, I could be dead, and I wouldn't know that I died, that's the only time that you don't know whether you died because what do you remember in your sleep. Nothing, until you wake up. But if you die in your sleep you'll never know you died, and that's scary as fuck to think about.

What if  if this whole world we live in is just a simulation and this is all thought up in someones head man i COULD BE A FUCKING sim for all i know, would explain the random times i get up and just walk nowhere and come back to the computer

To be honest I’m the same except, nobody knows what happens when you die, is God real? Is there actually a heaven and hell? Reincarnation? What? Does your soul go into a new person and it’s just you forgetting all your memories and that why we cry when we’re born?


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