Owner Popular Post Ryan 7168 Posted August 7, 2019 Owner Popular Post Report Share Posted August 7, 2019 Olympus Community, The donor rewards will be given to those who donate via the donation goal button. Regardless if the goal is met already or not you will continue to acquire progress towards the next donor tier. The system is meant to be a bit of a reward to those who donate towards the donation goal without being outside of Bohemia's monetization policy. All items will not affect game play as they're all just textures or just a different weapon variant color added that is already available to you by normal game play (MK-1's). All donations will be put back into the server, for things such as (but not limited to): - Paying our developers for much more frequent updates and more content - Investing into more services and servers such as Minecraft, etc - Paying for our servers, website, teamspeak and licenses - Etc If you donated and have not received your items and/or rank please submit a donation support request via the support tab. Those of you who have donated in the past are eligible to apply for the Legacy VIP rank (From Supporter to Champion at most in game), if provided the proper evidence of transaction. To do this you submit a donation support request via the support tab. Any donations that are made from this moment on out will automatically update to your account instantly upon successful payment via PayPal. The tiers as of 10/11/2020 are as follows (content previews available in spoiler): Rewards Legend: Civilian - White APD - Blue R&R - Green Cross Factions (Can use items on Cop, Civ or Medic interchangeably) "Supporter" - $15 Brown Title Color Supporter Title Supporter Uniform 11 Racing Uniforms 10 Racing Helmets Black Beret VR Goggles Hats w/ Headphones Fireworks Skywriting (Plane Smokes) "Roach Green" Quilin "Supporter" Quilin Spoiler "M.V.P" - $30 Yellow Title Color MVP Title Green & Red Backpacks "Smile" Backpack Sand MK-1 Variant "Rook-a-Cola" Hatchback MVP Forum Tag 4 Additional Forum Reactions All Supporter Rewards Spoiler "V.I.P" - $50 Blue Title Color Dodger Blue Title Color Light Blue Title Color Turquoise Title Color VIP Title Dancing Emotes (Shift + 0 and Shift + -) "Gucci" Hatchback "Redgull" Orca "Disconfigured Gold" Orca Namable Vehicles Mk-1 Woodland Variant AK-12, AKU-12, & RPK-12 Lush Variant MX, MXM, & MX-SW Khaki Variant CMR-76 & Type 115 Hex Variant Titan MPRL Olive & Digital Variants "Mystery Machine" Ifrit "McOlympus" Ifrit "Venom" Ifrit Red Hazmat Suit (Money Heist Theme) APD Black US Cap Ear Protectors R&R Donor SUV R&R Donor "Camel Towing" Offroad Optional TeamSpeak 3 Channel in our "V.I.P" Section OR Private Gang TeamSpeak 3 Channel You can either claim the "V.I.P." channel or the private gang channel, you cannot claim both. If you meet this you need to make a donation support ticket to obtain your channel. For Private Gang Channels: This can be used to either create a Gang channel if one doesn't already exist, or used to expand the amount of channels to a current gang that has a private gang channel(s). VIP Section Forum Access Forum Tag TeamSpeak 3 Channel Teamspeak Tag 6 Additional Forum Reactions All Supporter & MVP Rewards Spoiler "Elite" - $100 Pink Title Color Elite Title Elite Outfit Elite Orca "Asiimov" Orca "Vanguard" Hummingbird "Vanguard" Ghosthawk "Monster" Ifrit "Circuit" Ifrit "Abibas" Messenger Bag "Abibas" Uniform "Grave Digger" Hunter Sport, Beast, Black, and Shades Bandanas APD Donor Hatchback Sport APD Blue Longsleeve Uniform (APEX DLC, PO+) APD White & Black Headset (APEX DLC, CPL+) APD Gendarme Beret (APEX DLC, CPL+) R&R "Coast Guard" Orca R&R Black Pilot Helmets (Adv. Paramedic +) R&R Donor Uniform Forum Tag 8 Additional Forum Reactions All Supporter, MVP, and VIP Rewards Spoiler "Champion" - $250 Green Title Color Champion Title 20 Second Firework Cooldown "Money Swag" Hatchback "Mario" Ifrit "Champion Circuit" Strider "Explorer" Ifrit "Explorer" Strider "Champion" Orca "Egyptian Green Gold" Orca APD State Police Uniform (PO+) APD State Police Combat Uniform (CPL+) APD SRT Uniform (SGT+) APD SRT Hunter (SGT+) APD Donor Ghosthawk (SGT+) APD SRT Vest/Headgear R&R Fire Fighter Uniform Forum Tag 10 Additional Forum Reactions All Supporter, MVP, VIP, and Elite Rewards Spoiler "Legendary" - $500** Legendary Title Legendary Uniform Legendary Hatchback Access to monthly vehicle texture rotation (Ifrit & Orca Texture) Buy the vehicle with the "Rotated" Texture and it will automatically get a new texture ~monthly. Custom Forum Profile Song 12 Additional Forum Reactions All Supporter, MVP, VIP, Elite, and Champion Rewards Spoiler "Founders Circle" - $1000+** Unique Title "Founders Circle" Backpack Access to All Hex Icons Custom Hex Icon Full Body Red, Green, Blue and Purple VR suits Founders circle exclusive Unique Placement of TS Channel inside "Founders Circle" Unique & Personalized Forum Tag 14 Additional Forum Reactions All Supporter, MVP, VIP, Elite, Champion, and Legendary Rewards Spoiler Disclaimer: Rewards are subject to change/removal/addition at anytime by the discretion of server owner or by request of Bohemia Interactive to be compliant with their Monetization Policy. ** Some rewards in the higher tiers are still in development and should be available to those people soon. *** The monthly rotated textures may not always be rotated at exactly 1 month intervals, sometimes it may be more or less depending on update cycles. Thank you for your continued support of Olympus. - Olympus Staff 20 4 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/32419-olympus-donation-rewards-updated/
Owner Ryan 7168 Posted October 12, 2020 Author Owner Report Share Posted October 12, 2020 Updated as of 10/11/2020 to reflect New Update Link to comment https://olympus-entertainment.com/topic/32419-olympus-donation-rewards-updated/#findComment-489112
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