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Locked APD Master Handbook


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Altis Police Department Master Handbook

Current version as of: 7/04/2020

Preface - Application Process and Rank Progression

  1.  Application - Application info can be found HERE
    1. Interviews will test the rule knowledge of candidates.
    2. Asking a senior APD member for an interview is the best way to delay it
  2.  Ranks
    1. Deputy  
      1. Entry level APD officer, should be learning the rules
        1.  Upon promotion to Deputy, anytime you login for the next 3 days must be on cop. If you log into Civ within this period, you will be removed.
          1. (This does not apply to previous officers of the APD.)
      2. Minimum of 1.800 minutes on Server
    2.  Patrol Officer
      1. Conducts illegal area patrols and mentors deputies
      2. Minimum of 1,800 minutes and 7 days Time in Grade
    3. Corporal
      1. Leader among the lower ranks, first lethal loading officer
      2. Minimum of 10,000 minutes and 30 days Time in Grade, based on recommendations
      3. Corporals can apply for Field Training Officer
    4. Sergeant
      1. Interviews new applicants, handling everyday issues
      2. Selected by the Chief and Senior APD
    5. Lieutenant
      1. Accepts applications and handles moderate to severe issues
      2. Appointed by the Chief and Deputy Chiefs
    6. Deputy Chief of Police
      1. Advisers to the Chief, each responsible for a section of the APD
      2. Appointed by the Chief
    7. Chief
      1. The final say on all things APD

Chapter I - Professional Standards

  1. Conduct
    1. Officers are allowed to conduct themselves casually with civilians, so long as they do not go out of their way to excessively insult a civilian or go outside the boundaries set forth by the server rules.
    2. Officers are expected to treat all players with respect. This is a two-way street.
    3. "Street language" is not frowned upon in the APD, you may RP freely as so long as you don't cross the lines of harassment, racism, and other extreme vulgarities.
    4. Officers are expected to obey ALL directions of higher ranking officers.
    5. Officers are expected to intervene when other Officers are breaking rules.
    6. Officers may, at their discretion, quote the APD handbook.
  2. Metagaming
    1. Officers are expected to wait 15 minutes before switching factions on the same server, and may not use any information previously gathered to their advantage.
  3. Deployments
    1.  Redeployments should be conducted by a Corporal+
      1. Corporals must be on the server at the time of the redeploy
      2. Cross Server redeployments may be conducted by an FTO+.
    2. Officers may respawn to other HQs if there (5) five or less officers online, if a deputy is traveling to accompany a PO+, or if they spawn in the wrong place.

Chapter II - Use of Force

  1. Your First Weapon
    1. Your first weapon is always your voice. Always attempt to defuse a situation without firing a shot.
    2. If the situation calls for it, you may restrain a suspect or civilian if given prior warning.
  2. Non-Lethal Force
    1. Tasers may be used on a suspect who is armed, evading, or resisting arrest.
  3. Lethal Force
    1. Lethal force is authorized only when non-lethal force has failed or is inadequate to resolve the situation.
    2. Lethals are authorized temporarily:
      1. In Warzone, Cartels, and any Rebel Outpost. (This includes if/when the engagement moves out of the red zone)
      2. If there is 5 or less minutes of a server restart.
      3. POs may be authorized to use lethal force by a Senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary."
      4. Tasers are inadequate to resolve the situation.
      5. If the suspect is on a roof that has no way to access or is only accessible by ladder.
      6. If fired upon without previous engagement, you may return fire with extreme care for the life and property of the APD.
      7. If the suspect is in a armed vehicle's gunner seat.
    3. Lethals are authorized for the entire situation:
      1. After 2 failed non-lethal attempts by an individual officer.
        1. If you have loaded lethals during a situation against a single group and another group joins that situation, lethals are still authorized against all opposing forces.
      2. If an officer is taken hostage or tased during an active engagement.
        1. Officers who have been neutralized by a ratio of 3:1 are considered hostages.
        2. Lethals may continue to be used after the officer has been rescued.
      3. When officers are outnumbered by a ratio of 3:1 (until death).
      4. Lethal force remains active regardless of server restart
        1. If lethals were loaded solely due to server restart happening in 5 minutes, then lethals must be unloaded after the restart.
      5. If the Ghosthawk is guns-hot in the situation.
  4. Vehicle Shooting
    1. Ground vehicles may open fire once it has been determined that the suspect is clearly evading.
    2. If an armed aerial vehicle utilizes its guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy or neutralize the vehicle.
    3.  If an aerial vehicle is slinging an armed vehicle that utilizes its weapons on the APD or the civilian population or is guiding AA missiles into an HQ, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy or neutralize vehicle(s).
    4. Any means necessary only encompasses bypassing APD Rules and Procedures and not Server Rules. During this period you do not have to follow APD Rules or Procedures as long as it contributes to ending the any means situation.
    5. If an APD Ghosthawk or Armed Huron has been stolen the APD may use any means necessary to recover, neutralize or destroy the vehicle.
  5. High Value Target (HVT)
    1. An HVT is defined as an individual with a bounty exceeding 300k or conducting illegal activities in a Zamak+
    2. For armed vehicles that may engage HVTs an officer of sufficient rank to operate the vehicle must be in the situation to call it "guns hot"
    3. The only vehicles applicable to engage HVTs are the Armed Jeep and Armed Plane.

Chapter III - Civilian Interaction

  1. Dealing with the Public
    1. Respond to 911 Texts if possible.
    2. If flagged down, try to find out more information about what the civilian wants.
    3. Civilian on civilian accusations are not to be considered actionable evidence.
    4. Civilians may be detained for up to 15 minutes if they are interfering with an investigation as long as they are notified why they are being detained.
  2. Making Contact
    1. Announce that you are a member of the APD.
      1. Code 3 or intent to verbally engage when going back to an active situation(excluding scout aircraft.)
    2. Do not restrain suspects unless they are downed, have their hands up, or are notified why they are being restrained.
    3. A tactical advantage can be defined as: Cover that provides a significant opportunity to eliminate/tase 3 or more civilians, or allows you to safely escape.
      1. Examples include:
        1. A building between you and 3 civilians. 
        2. On top of office building, and civilians below you.
        3. Excess speeds that allow you to 'drive-by' the engagement.
    4. If a civilian gives consent to do something to them or their property (search, detain, lethal, etc.) officers are allowed to do so.
      1. Do not harass a civilian to get their consent.
      2. Suspects in APD custody cannot be lethaled.
      3. Do not add more than one charge by request.
  3. Dealing with Vigilantes
    1. Vigilantes are subject to all civilian laws.
    2. Officers may not take suspects from vigilantes unless given permission or if the person the Vigilante has captured is wanted for under 75k.
    3. Like all civilians, must have weapons holstered unless defending themselves or conducting business. If found abusing their license (Server Rules Chapter 9), it may be seized. (Ticket Guide)
    4. A vigilante found participating in illegal activities are subject to have their vigilante license seized.
    5. Civilians with Vigilante License must provide ID upon request.
      1. May carry a P07, Sting, .45 ACP, Spar-16 (Sand).
  4. Dealing with Workers’ Protection License Holders (Server Rules Chapter 19)
    1. Civilians with WPL gear must provide ID upon request.
      1. May carry a TRG-20, ACP-C2, SPAR-16 (Khaki), or Katiba Carbine.
  5. Dealing with the R&R
    1. Medics are subject to all civilian laws. Officers should not stop R&R from conducting their duties without reason.

Chapter IV - Hostage Situations

  1.  Hostage situations are considered active when an APD dispatch is sent demanding an officer.
  2. A hostage taker may not:
    1. Request APD to search/impound/seize a vehicle/person.
    2. Force an APD member to send someone to jail.
    3. Force a hostage APD member to pardon or to act as a negotiator.
    4. Request a pardon for a bounty including escaping jail or hostage situation or in excess of 1 million dollars.
  3. The APD negotiator is delegated by the highest ranking APD member on at that time. Once delegated, the negotiator must show up unarmed after notifying hostage takers.
  4. Once the negotiator arrives, he cannot be taken as a new hostage. Hostage situations are defined as failed once:
    1. An agreement cannot be made between the two groups.
    2. Any hostile action is taken by the hostage takers.
  5. During the process of a hostage situation, the APD must allow proper negotiations before they attempt to subdue the hostage takers.
    1. The APD must value the lives of the hostages.
    2. A Sergeant+ may make the call to engage the hostage takers if they feel that they can rescue the hostages safely. No engagement is needed.
    3. Any Corporals or lower may set up for shooting positions but will not fire without the order of the Sergeant+ or if negotiations fail.
  6.  If the negotiations are completed successfully, then both parties will go their separate ways. Once this happens, the APD must wait a minimum of 5 minutes before attempting to arrest/capture the hostage takers.
  7. Any civilian clearly participating in the hostage situation as either the negotiator or “pulling security” may be charged with Hostage Situation. If an officer is taken hostage then all players involved in the restraining, robbing or security of that officer may also be charged with Hostage Situation.

Chapter V - Processing Suspects

  1. Suspects must be processed within 15 minutes after the area is clear or the suspect(s) are transported away and after any RP situations.
    1. Exceeding the 15 minute rule without good reason is considered cruel and unusual punishment and all charges will be pardoned.
    2. The 15 minutes DO NOT start until the situation has been fully neutralized.
    3. If processing 5 or more suspects or if processing more suspects than the amount of officers currently available, the APD may go over the allotted 15 minute rule within reason.
    4. Suspects may be taken to safer areas for processing. If a suspect is killed while in police custody, they are to be pardoned ONLY if it was the direct action of the officer (IE: An officer crashed into a pole and kills the suspect.)
    5. If the civilian chooses to RP the situation, such as just randomly talking or asking questions, the 15 minute rule starts at the end of the RP session.
  2. Suspects may request a superior officer to handle them so long as they have a valid reason to ask for them. If this is done, the handling officer must make contact with the superior officer. If the superior officer is busy or too far away, they can decline the request and the handling officer will continue processing.
    1. The 15 minute rule will not apply until the superior officer arrives or if the handling officer continues processing.
  3. When processing a suspect follow the L.I.S.T acronym.
    1. L - Licenses. Check the suspect for a license
    2. I - Inventory. Search the player if you have probable cause
    3. S - Seize. Seize any items if you have probable cause.
    4. T - Ticket. Tell the suspect his charges and total bounty and ticket them.
  4. While processing a suspect they may waive their rights verbally or in writing and allow and officer to process them despite any active situations. Once waived, the suspect cannot take back these rights. They are to be placed into a “panic room” with the door closed and they can be processed.
    1. A “panic room” is a room with a single door.
    2. Suspects may waive their rights to pay tickets and opt to be sent straight to jail.
  5. APD Ticketing Guide

Chapter VI - Dealing with Vehicles

  1. Officers may only enter/unlock a civilian vehicle when:
    1. Turning off the engine.
    2.  Removing a dead body
    3. Unblocking a road, pathway or an area officers are attempting to access.
    4. The owner gives consent (and the vehicle is non-illegal)
  2. Officers may impound a vehicle when:
    1. The owner is not in sight, or is in APD custody (or at their request)
    2. If the vehicle is blocking a road or pathway.
  3. Pulling Players out of Vehicles
    1. Players may only be pulled out if the vehicle is not moving, at least half of its tires have been disabled, or the player has been downed while inside the vehicle
  4. Illegal Vehicles
    1. Any armed vehicle, Ifrit, Strider, Hunter, Taru Bench, Pharmaceutical vehicles and any variant of the Blackfish.
    2. Illegal vehicles are subject to search and seizure
  5. Aircraft
    1. If an aircraft is violating aviation law, or in an APD occupied area:
      1. Text the pilot once to leave or be fired upon OR fire 3 warning shots to the pilot ensuring the rounds miss the helicopter
    2. If an aircraft inserts itself directly into an active APD situation, officers may open fire immediately.
    3. If an aircraft is seen hovering over/around any APD occupied area (including HQ's), officers are to send 3 warning shots before opening fire on aircraft. (No text needed)

Chapter VII - Probable Cause

  1. Definition of Probable Cause
    1. Probable cause is defined as "reasonable grounds to conduct a search or make an arrest".
  2. Examples of Probable Cause
    1. Officer sees a suspect or vehicle within (or leaving) an illegal area.
    2. Officer sees an illegal item or weapon
    3. Officer sees or hears illegal activities (further examples found in the APD Ticket Guide.)
    4. Officer sees a wanted individual.
    5. Officer seeing a civilian in possession of a TRG-20, ACP-C2, SPAR-16(Khaki) ,SPAR-16s(Sand), SPAR-16(Sand) P07 9mm, Sting 9mm, 4-Five .45, Vermin .45ACP or Katiba Carbine. (Provides probable cause only to check licenses).
    6. Eyewitness accounts of civilians are NEVER probable cause.

Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures

  1. Searching in Combat
    1. Search and seizure of equipment or vehicles shouldn’t occur when you are being fired upon. You must wait until the situation is called clear or ‘not a factor’ by the highest ranking officer
      1. Example - Armed Plane that has clear intent to stall searching/seizure of equipment/vehicles. Obviously if people are dying or taking damage due to said plane, it is clearly deemed a factor.
  2. Conducting Searches
    1. Probable cause is needed to search for illegal items. Always announce to the person/vehicle what you are doing and why.
      1. EXCEPTION: Any gang member that is involved in a situation where a gang vehicle is present CAN provide probable cause to search, given they are wanted or present a form of probable cause (example: illegal weapon, evading arrest, driving illegal vehicle, etc).
  3. Checking of Licenses
    1. Only search licenses if you have probable cause or the suspect has committed a crime.
  4. Seizure of Weapons
    1. Illegal items(including Blackwater items) should be seized when the opportunity presents itself (preferably before transport). Please refer to the Ticket Guide for examples of probable cause.
  5. Seizure of Vehicles
    1. Illegal vehicles should be seized at the end of the situation after getting the order from the highest ranking APD officer at the situation.
    2. Civilian vehicles left at Federal Events/Banks will be seized.
    3. Vehicles containing $350,000 or more of the following can be seized:
      1. Illegal items (Market value)
      2. Weapons (Market value)
      3. Drugs
      4. Contraband (Market value)
    4. Vandalized APD Hatchbacks are subject to seizure.
  6. Seizure of Money
    1. Any person(s) who is seen involved with a robbery of any kind, inside an illegal area, charged with conducting a federal reserve robbery, or interacting with a vehicle that falls into these categories may have any cash seized upon their search.
  7. Warrants
    1. Raid Warrant
      1. House/gang shed raids are authorized when:
        1. A suspect has taken refuge or is shooting out of a locked house/gang shed.
          1. APD must enter to rescue a hostage.
      2.  POs+ can issue raid warrants and must only enter the premises to capture a criminal. The officer issuing the warrant must announce that they will be raiding.
    2. Search Warrants
      1. Search warrants allow Sergeants+ to enter the premises to capture suspects and/or contraband. The raid must be announced and must be exercised within 45 minutes of the situation being deemed clear.
      2. Search warrants can only be executed 5 minutes after notifying the owner or keyholder, unless the suspect is in custody.
      3. House/gang shed searches are authorized when:
        1. An APD member has a form of probable cause (bounty, illegal weapon, etc.) and witnesses a civilian interacting with, shooting out of, or taking refuge in a house/gang shed in any form. The Sergeant+ has discretion on whether or not to conduct a search.

Chapter IX - Checkpoints & Patrol Guidelines

  1. Traffic Stops
    1. Traffic stops can be conducted when a vehicle’s driver or a passenger is wanted or is seen breaking traffic laws. Only check the licenses of the driver or passengers who are wanted/have committed a crime in front of an officer.
    2. Speed Limits are as follows:
      1. Inside city limits - 75 Km/h
      2. Outside city limits / back roads - 100 Km/h
      3. Outside city limits / highway - 125 Km/h
  2. APD Checkpoints
    1. APD Mobile Checkpoints may be done anywhere on the map.
      1. Mobile Checkpoints may not be set up within 1Km of a redzone.
    2. PO+ must be present with at least 2 other officers.
    3. APD vehicles must be parked at each checkpoint entrance with lights on.
    4.  No person or vehicle should be searched without consent from the owner of the vehicle unless probable cause is there. If they decline the search they must turn around and go back the way they came.
    5. If a civilian goes around the checkpoint they can be pulled over and processed.

Chapter X - Illegal Areas

  1. Any area marked with a red crosshatch is considered an illegal area, including active Banks, Jails, Blackwaters, and Federal Reserves.
  2. Officers must announce themselves when entering an illegal area with code 3.
    1. Code 3 automatically engages all armed civilians in the illegal area.
    2. Exception: No code 3 is needed when entering an active bank.
    3. Exception: Officers may enter illegal areas with garages with the intent to pull vehicles if their vehicle has been damaged beyond repair. Officers may not interfere with any activities inside of the illegal area unless fired upon first.
  3.  Illegal Areas may be patrolled every 15 minutes.
  4. Officers must not remain in, or monitor, an illegal area if there is no activity
    1. Looking into an illegal area is considered checking it.
  5. During situations inside of illegal areas, officers must respond in waves.
    1. Exception: An active bank robbery
    2. A wave is finished when all officers have been killed or neutralized
      1. The last officer of a wave may surrender and become neutralized, and remain until reached by APD forces, then they must return directly  to the closest APD HQ.
      2. On the first wave to an area, officers may call in first wave backup.
        1. If the backup does not arrive before the original group dies, they must wait in place for the second wave to catch up, or until the civilians reach them.
      3. All waves after the second must start with ALL responding officers at an HQ or waiting to spawn an HQ
      4. Officers leaving a situation must reach HQ before the next wave can begin if they are to participate in the next wave.
    3. If the civilians leave the illegal area, waves are no longer required.
    4. If you are apart of the same wave that entered an illegal area you may re-enter after leaving.
    5. Once an illegal area has been secured, all officers may return and begin cleanup.
  6. Rebel Outpost raids:
    1. There is a Sergeant+ with at least 2 other officers
    2. The entire wave must enter code 3, or enter “DARK” and verbally engage.
    3. If the senior officer is captured, raids may continue to recapture them.
  7. Warzone raids:
    1. Officers may only enter Cartel/Warzone when they have probable cause to raid unless APD has reasonable suspicion of a suspect fleeing there. Additionally:
      1. Must follow Rebel raid rules.
        1. Exception: Cartels outside of warzone may be searched every 30 minutes.
        2. Five waves maximum per warzone raid.
        3. Patrol Officers are authorized lethals during warzone raids.
          1. Exception: Following someone in the first wave.
      2. If you enter Warzone without a Sergeant or higher due to pursuing someone in, you must check the general area of the suspect you chased in. Once the situation is deemed clear, you are to leave. Do not check the rest of Warzone Island.
      3. Once APD has engaged rebel forces in a Cartel, they may continue to raid it following standard rebel raid rules until the situation has been neutralized at that Cartel. (Outside of Warzone Island)
      4. APD may enter Cartels/Warzone for hostage situations
        1. PO or higher to negotiate.
        2. Can be accompanied by other officers.
        3. Cannot return to rebel unless standard Rebel prerequisites (mentioned above) are met.

Chapter XI - Federal Events

  1. Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater) 
    1. Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Jail
    2. No RP is required to engage players that are participating in a federal event (doors being cut open and/or bomb planted). All APD are free to fire on players in these circumstances. If you see a player (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them.
  2. APD may not enter the domes prior to the event unless someone is trapped inside
  3. If 5 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required.
  4. If an officer leaves an active fed they must return to the HQ before the next wave can begin.
    1. EXCEPTION: If all the cops at the federal event chase the rebels out of the federal event (The outer Anti-Air Circle)  the next wave may begin
    2. You may re-enter the federal event if chasing a suspect in.
  5. Active Federal Events
    1. If the bomb is planted or doors are being cut open
    2. If there are 4 or less officers on duty, then the officers who are online are not required to respond.
  6. APD may not utilize vans at any federal events.

Chapter XII - Fines and Penalties

  1. Ticketing Procedure
    1. Always read off all charges and value of a ticket or bounty to a suspect. Once the ticket is written, the cost is set. Additional charges can’t be added.
    2. Two chances are granted to pay tickets, more can be given based on officer discretion. Be reasonable in this area.
    3. Ticket values may be adjusted by a Patrol Officer+
      1. Patrol Officers may issue a discount of 25% off the total bounty when there is no Corporal+ online.
      2. Corporals may issue or authorize a discount of up to 50%.
      3. Sergeants and higher have the ability to discount tickets at their discretion.
      4. Deputies can’t change ticket values without a higher ranking officer’s approval.
      5. Deputies can only authorize pardons when no higher ranking officers are online.
    4. If charges are accidentally added, you can either manually reduce the ticket or a Corporal+ can remove it.
      1. If a ticket is given for a higher amount than the set price, the suspect must be pardoned. If a lower ticket is given, the suspect can either pay the ticket at the lower price or they go to jail for the full amount. Do not change the ticket price if you ticket the wrong price the first time.
    5. If shots are fired in/around the HQ where processing is occurring, processing must cease until the threat is neutralized or not a factor
    6. During the last 5 minutes before a restart, if an APD member is processing a wanted player they may continue to process said player even if shots are fired in the HQ area.
      1. The wanted player must be in a “panic room.” If someone enters the room and starts shooting, processing must stop.
      2. Visit APD Ticket Guide for more info.
  2. Jail
    1. Suspects must be told they are being sent to jail.
    2. Refer to the APD Ticket Guide for more info on sending players to jail.
      1. Patrol Officers+ may send players directly to jail after processing who have blatantly broken server rules.
    3. If a player has a combined total of 15 or more Manslaughter, LEO Manslaughter, Vehicular Manslaughter, and Gang Homicide charges they are considered a serial killer.
      1. If a serial killer is found and restrained they may be sent directly to jail without a chance to pay any outstanding tickets.
    4. When a player has an "Escaping Jail" charge they MUST be sent straight to jail.
  3. Adding Charges
    1. PO and higher can add charges. The crimes must be seen by an officer to be added to the suspects' bounty.
    2. Common sense when adding charges. Charges can be added prior to the capture of a suspect. The charging officer is liable for inappropriate charges being added. 
  4. Pardoning
    1. Pardons can be given when desync kill, traffic accident, other glitches happen, or if the civilian committed the acts in a justifiable manner.
      1. Players must notify the police via text message upon committing a justifiable offense.

Chapter XIII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles

  1. APD Tools
    1. Flashbangs/Throwables are to be used only in tactical situations following proper engagement.
    2. Spike strips may be used on vehicles you are engaged with. Ensure any placed spike strips are packed backup.
    3. The SDAR may be used without SGT approval if a suspect is in the water, or they are in an inaccessible area (unreachable roofs). Suspect must be notified prior to firing upon.
      1. Otherwise, Sergeants must approve. Do not carry one in a backpack unless conducting a boat patrol.
        1. Exception: Sergeants+ may carry an SDAR in their backpack.
    4. Do not use gear not available to your rank in the APD Weapon, Clothing or Item shops.
    5. Do not use vehicles not available at your rank unless authorized by an officer with access to that vehicle
    6. Bait Appliances may only be used on vehicles owned by an APD member. If informed a civilian is still wearing a blindfold remove it and restart processing from the beginning.
    7. Civilians will only be pardoned for being blindfolded if they inform the officer they are blindfolded and the officer chooses to ignore them.
  2. Vehicles
    1. Police vehicles must be secured or impounded, and are not to be left out
    2. Do not impound a vehicle before the situation is clear.
  3. Armed Jeep Patrol - Armed Jeep patrols are conducted by Corporals and higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity. (Generally don't use for patrol against low risk interaction)
    1. Armed Jeeps will follow ghosthawk engagement rules. 
    2. May be used on illegal vehicles, aerial vehicles or vehicles containing a high value target (HVT).
    3. Must be sent a text to land or park and given 5 seconds to comply.
    4. May mirror the "guns hot" status of armed planes and ghosthawks however this does not apply vice-versa exclusively to the ghosthawk.

Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft

  1. Aircraft Patrols - Planes should only be used when responding to an active or impending situation (Planes may not be used to scout the entire map without due reason)
    1. Exception: Armed plane patrols may be utilized to engage High Value Targets ($300k+ bounty or in a zamak or larger).
    2. Exception: During 100% certainty of high gang activity.
  2. Recon Plane Patrol - The Fixed Wing Aircraft can be used for both recon and rapid response. Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member, with the approval of a Corporal or higher.
    1. May not directly engage ground units.
    2. Must leave with the wave, but does not have to return to HQ when the wave ends.
    3. Must not use lights and sirens. (this includes checking redzones). (Does not apply to Cartels/Rebels)
    4. Officers may switch from recon to rapid response, but not the other way around.
    5. Recon planes may be operated by more than one officer.
  3. Rapid Response Plane Patrol - The Fixed Wing Aircraft can be used to respond to rebel activity, with the approval of a Corporal or higher, the APD may employ the use of parachutes to minimize the danger of a risky landing.
    1. These patrols may engage with criminals on the ground.
    2. Must use lights/sirens when engaging a suspect or entering a redzone.
    3. These patrols cannot switch to a recon patrol and must return to an HQ to become a recon patrol.
  4. Armed Plane Patrol - The Armed Plane patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols can be used for both recon and rapid response.
    1. Armed planes will follow Ghosthawk engagement rules.
      1. Exception - Armed Planes can also engage ground vehicles.
    2. Armed planes may mirror the guns hot status of any active Ghosthawks. However, this does not apply vice-versa.
  5. Recon Patrols conducted in a Helicopter may have a pilot and co-pilot as it’s a crew.
  6. The Ghosthawk
    1. Ghosthawk patrols may be used to respond to heavy gang activity.
    2. The weapons may only be used on aerial, or illegal vehicles (including APD/R&R Hunters and Striders).
    3. Must be sent a text to land or park and given 10 seconds to comply.
      1. Exception: Exception: Any variant of the Blackfish only requires a 5 second engagement period. Once the text is sent,  if the Blackfish pilot elects to change the Angle of Attack of the rotors to facilitate flight (read: changing rotors to take off), the Ghosthawk is guns hot.
    4. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon it may return fire, and that specific ghosthawk remains guns hot until the situation is resolved.
      1. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with an explosive launcher that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text or an explosive launcher clearly pointing at the Ghosthawk in a red zone)
      2. If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation, any Sergeant and above may decide to return to the situation guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force.
    5. If an APD Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it.
    6. The “guns hot” call must come from a Senior APD involved in the situation.
    7. Ghosthawks mirror the “guns hot” activity of other hawks.
    8. A Ghosthawk may be authorized "guns hot" within the federal event's anti-air circle after bomb blows at a federal event in cases where civilians are holding the area without the intent to leave.
      1. Exception: Ghosthawks are authorized "guns hot" after bomb blows on illegal vehicles within the federal event's inner anti-air circle (this includes RnR armored vehicles).
    9.  If a server restart occurs while the hawk is guns hot, it may return guns hot.
    10. The Armed Huron is treated as a Ghosthawk.
      1. If an officer fires any weapon out of the back "ramp" of the Armed Huron prior to being fired upon, that Armed Huron may not go "guns hot".
  7. Hummingbird
    1. If giving chase to a vehicle piloted/driven by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot/driver is to be notified by text message to land/park the vehicle.
      1. The Corporal or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns.
    2. If an APD hummingbird enters an area of engagement and/or is in the area where an active gunfight between APD and civs is taking place, the hummingbird may fire upon engaged ground units without sending a text, upon the direction of a corporal or higher.
    3. The unarmed Huron and Hellcat are treated as a hummingbird.

Chapter XV - Bait Cars

  1. Bait cars may only be used for patrol by SGT+
    1. Corporals or below may be authorized for patrol in bait cars, but may not check illegal areas.
  2. Bait cars may be left in illegal areas, but those areas may not be camped.
    1. A marked vehicle must accompany the bait car into the zone.
  3. Movement of the GPS tracker is probable cause to raid, regardless of time.
  4. Bait cars may only be given to civilians to facilitate APD operations.
    1. Sergeants and higher may utilize undercover Hatchbacks, SUVs, Vans, and Quillin for patrolling illegal areas.

Chapter XVI - Training Facilities

  1. The training dome in Pyrgos is only to be used for training purposes Any officers found abusing the features of the training dome or interrupting an ongoing APD training are subject to discipline.

Chapter XVII - Communication Channels

  1. Teamspeak
    1. Officers must be in the appropriate channel of Olympus Teamspeak while on duty, in the city and server they are assigned to.
    2. The APD channels may only be used for APD operations
    3. Officers must use their Chain of Command name in Teamspeak
      1. Sergeant+ is exempt.
  2. Channels
    1. City channels are to be used by officers patrolling those areas
    2. Unit channels are led by Corporals+ to perform special patrols
    3. The federal event channels are only to be used during an event
  3. In-Game (Direct)
    1. Direct chat is the main form of in-game communication with the civilian population.
    2. Vehicle chat may be used to speak to other occupants of a vehicle.
  4. In-Game (Group)
    1. Officers are only to use Group chat to communicate with other groups, or request a higher up.
  5. In-Game (Side)
    1. Side chat is never to be used for voice communications.

Chapter XVIII - Executive Decision

  1. At any point, the Chief of Police may supersede the APD handbook.
    1. A civilian in the situation must be notified.
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