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Someone tell me why Deputy's have off roads

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@Doofy I don't wanna be the PO that shoots you down, but well Imagine Deputy as a Free Trial to see if you like the APD scene and you like it you become a PO and Boom you just Paid for the Experience. You really shouldn't really be in a high speed chase with anyone. Kavala and other Rural areas are not meant for that. If you want to do High Speed Chases ride with me and I'll let you choose how the day goes ask @SaltyLance or @Cowboy for instance. All you really need is a PO willing to take the time and show you the Ropes! once that's done you are on your way to become a PO hope this helps

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I enjoyed my first 3 days as cop, tier 4 those dep wagons and those fuckers zoom. Plus most of the PO's are good dudes and grab you a hatchy when they are around. No need for a learning tier to have anything other than the wagons.

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As a deputy you will probably be riding along with a PO or a PO will grant you to use a hatchback. In the case you're all by yourself as a Dep, I would honestly just log off cause your getting 3 to 1'd.

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