Admin Popular Post Winters 1952 Posted February 10, 2021 Admin Popular Post Report Share Posted February 10, 2021 Chapter II - Use of Force Your First Weapon Your first weapon is always your voice. Always attempt to defuse a situation without firing a shot. If the situation calls for it, you may restrain a suspect or civilian if given prior warning. Non-Lethal Force Tasers may be used on a suspect who is armed, evading, or resisting arrest. Lethal Force Lethal force is authorized only when non-lethal force has failed or is inadequate to resolve the situation. Lethals are authorized temporarily: In Warzone, Cartels, Gang Base, and any Rebel Outpost. (This includes if/when the engagement moves out of the red zone) If there is 5 or less minutes of a server restart. POs may be authorized to use lethal force by a Senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary." Tasers are inadequate to resolve the situation. If the suspect is on a roof that has no way to access or is only accessible by ladder. If fired upon without previous engagement, you may return fire with extreme care for the life and property of the APD. If the suspect is in a armed vehicle's gunner seat. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Gang Base Raids No Active Skirmish Must follow rebel raid rules Exception: Limited to 5 waves Active Skirmish APD cannot raid the gang base Exception: If the APD is actively pursuing a suspect they may enter the active skirmish for 1 wave but may only attempt to apprehend/neutralize the pursued suspect If fired upon by another group of civilians the APD may return fire APD cannot request first wave backup APD cannot utilize armed aerial vehicles Exception: If the APD has actively pursued a suspect they may utilize the guns in an attempt to neutralize the suspect following standard armed aerial vehicle engagement rules however cannot return fire on any other civilian(s) that may fire upon the armed aerial vehicle APD Ticket Guide Attempted Kidnapping VL $35,000 + SW $35,000 + SW Jail Warrants Probable Cause. Add if a civilian has attempted to take an APD officer hostage. APD Officers are not to use the black PO7 currently as the weapon only lethals. Once this is fixed APD Officers may use it again. 13 1 1 Quote Link to comment
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