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APD Handbook update (04/28/21)

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Chapter XIII - APD Escort Event

  1. Corporal+ can start an APD Escort Event.
  2. Maximum amount of APD Officers able to attend APD Escort Event:
    1. Small Escort Event - 6
    2. Medium Escort Event - 8
    3. Large Escort Event - 10

APD Officers that are involved in an APD Escort Event must continue to participate in the APD Escort Event until the truck reaches the drop-off location or is destroyed.

Chapter X - Illegal Areas


Gang Base Raids (Server Rules Chapter 13)

  1. No Active Skirmish
    1. Must follow rebel raid rules
      1. Exception: Code 3 does not automatically engage all armed civilians in the area.
      2. Exception: Limited to 5 waves

Chapter XVII - APD Aircraft


  1. Recon Aerial Vehicle Patrol - The Aircraft can be used for both recon and rapid response. Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member, with the approval of a Corporal or higher.
    1. May not directly engage ground units.
    2. Must leave with the wave, but does not have to return to HQ when the wave ends.
    3. Must not use lights and sirens. (this includes checking redzones/cartels). (Does not apply to Cartels/Rebels)
    4. Officers may switch from recon to rapid response, but not the other way around.
    5. Recon Patrols conducted in a Helicopter may have a pilot and co-pilot as it’s crew.
    6. Recon planes may be operated by more than one officer.


@Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member

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