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APD Handbook Update (06/12/22) / Dispatch PSA

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Chapter III - Civilian Interaction

Dealing with Vigilantes


  1. Civilians with Vigilante License must provide ID upon request.
    1. May carry a P07, Sting, .45 ACP, Spar-16 (Sand), Spar-16GL (Sand), Spar-16S (Sand).

Chapter XII - Federal Events

Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail/Evidence Lockup), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater)

  1. Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Jail/Evidence Lockup, Jail.
  2. Active Federal Events
  3. If the bomb is planted or doors are being cut open.
    1. If multiple Federal Events are active the Federal Event with the bomb planted takes priority.


APD Dispatch PSA

  • APD Dispatch Rewards
    • APD members responding to dispatches can windows key the player who sent the dispatch
    • Confirmation on the Civilian's part will result in a $50k reward being dispersed to officers in the area

APD Officers that respond to APD dispatch requests are now able to windows key the civilian who sent the dispatch. This allows for the civilian to accept a notification that states "File Dispatch Resolution? Accepting will indicate that APD has resolved the situation which was dispatched about." If the civilian accepts this notification the APD Officer that windows key'd the civilian as well as all other APD Officers in the area will receive $50k split between them. 

This feature is intended as a reward for APD Officers that successfully resolve a dispatch, or have actively attempted to resolve the dispatch to a satisfactory degree which is down to the determination of the dispatch sender.  Do not harrass civilians to accept a dispatch reward request.

APD Officers found to be abusing the new APD dispatch reward system will face APD disciplinary action. 


@Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member, @APD Member & @Support Team

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