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APD Handbook Update (3/31/2024)

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Chapter XI - Blue Zones

Blue Zones (Server Rules Chapter 13)
APD Officers may freely patrol Blue Zones.
The APD Escort Event, Art Gallery, Pharmaceutical Robbery, Vehicle Yard, and  Evidence Locker are Blue Zones.

APD Officers responding to an active Art Gallery Robbery, Pharmaceutical Robbery, Vehicle Yard, or an Evidence Locker must respond code 3 or dark with the intent to verbally engage.
APD Officers do not have to respond in waves to an active situation in a Blue Zone.
Exception: If there are 6 or more APD Officers responding to the initial Pharmaceutical Robbery or Vehicle Yard Blue Zone they must respond in waves until the Pharmaceutical/Vehicle Yard vehicle leaves the initial Blue Zone.

Chapter XII - Federal Event

Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail/Evidence Lockup), the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater), and Evidence Locker (EL).

Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Evidence Lockup, Jail.
No RP is required to engage players that are participating in a federal event (doors being cut open and/or bomb planted). All APD are free to fire on players in these circumstances. If you see a player (Clearly participating in a federal event) you can shoot them.
Exception: The Evidence Locker follows Blue Zone engagement rules. 

APD may not enter the domes prior to the event unless someone is trapped inside
If 5 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak, wave rule is not required.
If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize SDARs after 2 failed non-lethal attempts by an individual officer.
Active duty SAPD can authorize Deputy/Patrol Officer lethals at Federal Events in extreme cases where the APD is vastly at a disadvantage.
If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize lethals when there is 10 or less minutes left on the bomb and when APD is at a disadvantage.
Staff Sergeant (FTO) may utilize Staff Sergeant gear/vehicles during Federal Events.
If an officer leaves an active fed they must return to the HQ before the next wave can begin.
Exception: The Evidence Locker does not have wave rule regardless of any redzones it may enter whilst the event timer is active. 

Exception: If all the cops at the federal event chase the rebels out of the federal event (The outer Anti-Air Circle) the next wave may begin
You may re-enter the federal event if chasing a suspect in.

Active Federal Events
If the bomb is planted, doors are being cut open, or the Evidence Locker has been initiated.
If multiple Federal Events are active the Federal Event with the bomb planted takes priority.
If there are 4 or less officers on duty, then the officers who are online are not required to respond.

Exception: APD Officers must respond to the jail.
APD Officer(s) can be instructed by an active Staff Sergeant (FTO)/SAPD/Retired Chief not to respond to an active Federal Event and may instead conduct other APD duties.
APD may not utilize vans at any federal events.
The Evidence Locker may be seized immediately regardless of combat (this is considered defusing). 


@Chief of Police @Deputy Chief of Police@Senior APD Member @APD Officer @Support Team



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