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APD Messes The Party

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So earlier this morning me and a new NW member was just scouting around...when we notice a vehicle going to heroin pro so we set up for him. Right when he gets there, the cops decided to show up and mess up the party -.- Thomas,Isaac,Opus,Dannyfrog. They land danny right by nw new member and he takes him out , then takes opus out somewhere else, then isac gets me, flash bang the other gets him to and then we have a heli ride to the hq....5:38 Thomas shoots opus in the face with my mk18 thinking it would taze opus since i said i had mk18 tazing custom made bullets. :P lol FUNNIEST part. Besides the part that when i took my mk out i was stuck in freelook and i shooot in straight direction while i turn my head instead of my gun wanted to take out thomas -.- loool 


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So earlier this morning me and a new NW member was just scouting around...when we notice a vehicle going to heroin pro so we set up for him. Right when he gets there, the cops decided to show up and mess up the party -.- Thomas,Isaac,Opus,Dannyfrog. They land danny right by nw new member and he takes him out , then takes opus out somewhere else, then isac gets me, flash bang the other gets him to and then we have a heli ride to the hq....5:38 Thomas shoots opus in the face with my mk18 thinking it would taze opus since i said i had mk18 tazing custom made bullets. :P lol FUNNIEST part. Besides the part that when i took my mk out i was stuck in freelook and i shooot in straight direction while i turn my head instead of my gun wanted to take out thomas -.- loool 


lol what confused me was i got a tilda pop up on a guy called christoph so i was looking around for someone with that name and i was over tired been up since 8 pm in the evening till about 11 am lol. so by the time i did see him i was making my gun full auto didnt have chance to shoot so thats why i died

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NW trash reporting each other lol...Kid talking about reporting the entire time no respect for NW as this video shows just some little kids crying over a video game. CPT Alexx make sure when coms are taken you dont talk in group kiddo... #Meta #NWTRASH

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i wasent the one talking u bich ass

NW trash reporting each other lol...Kid talking about reporting the entire time no respect for NW as this video shows just some little kids crying over a video game. CPT Alexx make sure when coms are taken you dont talk in group kiddo... #Meta #NWTRASH

i wasent the one talking u bitch ass 

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YOOOOOOOOOOOO PINKSTREAK YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE VIDEOS POSTED ON FORUMS AS A BANNABLE SOURCE. ISENT THAT RIGHT? HUH? BREAKING UR OWN RULES HUH? This video wasnet put up to get anyone banned. and i come back and hear my boy mata was banned for 5 days for combat logging? r u serious woman....

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YOOOOOOOOOOOO PINKSTREAK YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE VIDEOS POSTED ON FORUMS AS A BANNABLE SOURCE. ISENT THAT RIGHT? HUH? BREAKING UR OWN RULES HUH? This video wasnet put up to get anyone banned. and i come back and hear my boy mata was banned for 5 days for combat logging? r u serious woman....

If you're ignorant enough to post a video of your gang breaking rules on a forum post you should be banned with them... NW trash.

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YOOOOOOOOOOOO PINKSTREAK YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE VIDEOS POSTED ON FORUMS AS A BANNABLE SOURCE. ISENT THAT RIGHT? HUH? BREAKING UR OWN RULES HUH? This video wasnet put up to get anyone banned. and i come back and hear my boy mata was banned for 5 days for combat logging? r u serious woman....

Actually Alexx, players are not allowed to report other players via a video posted on the forums. If we notice that someone is screwing with the rules, the wrath that is the ban canon/hammer/whatever else will surely strike you down with the quickness.

Secondly, cool your jets before you take your foot and shove it farther into your mouth.

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Actually Alexx, players are not allowed to report other players via a video posted on the forums. If we notice that someone is screwing with the rules, the wrath that is the ban canon/hammer/whatever else will surely strike you down with the quickness.

Secondly, cool your jets before you take your foot and shove it farther into your mouth.

Okay sorry boss :3 ima give u a thumbs up on that professional response 

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