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Medics and General Harassment/Bullying

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6 hours ago, TheSkyStarKnight said:

A medic's jb is to get anyone and everyone, no matter the cost. We value our lives and try to cautiously get others as best we can. Medics should be going in order of request. People can be patient, and how would you feel if you were that 1 guy waiting for 24 minutes?

order of request makes sense if they are all in different areas, but if you can get 2-3 in a few km radius it makes more sense to get them vs spawning across the map to grab 1 person.

8 minutes ago, orcpoc said:

order of request makes sense if they are all in different areas, but if you can get 2-3 in a few km radius it makes more sense to get them vs spawning across the map to grab 1 person.

It's just a subjective thing. Unless you knew specifically that the guy that a medic respawned to had only been waiting a few minutes, most likely his time was almost up before he would lose his gear.

Generally we want everyone alive and happy, it may cause three people to wait longer from such a short distance, but at least everyone was revived. Imho

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On 5/8/2016 at 2:18 AM, TheSkyStarKnight said:

I just thought I'd post this for you, because your blind to what we mean. This is the kind of stuff we take, every day. Look at that picture. We should give them stress relief and waste our time heading to the next person?



Thank you for the screenshot. I'll be dealing with this kind of ignorance shortly. 

On 5/7/2016 at 8:47 AM, Fedot said:


People of Altis we know you are very special, kind and sometimes rude, But Kindly NOOT off. The Medics are not your personal doctor. Every Time I'm in game I see "Medic ETA" or "Medic do your Job". I get salty, The medics are doing there jobs! Most of them are slower because they do not have access to Helicopters and Medics may not enter redzones if they are EMTs. When People Say "Medic ETA" you are pretty much telling the medic stop what there are doing and message you (Most likely driving to a request) to answer. So Next time you ask a MEDIC eta the Answer is and always will be "ETA When I get there". And Also Note if a medic is 0.007KM from you and suddenly stops and starts running away, it's most likely due to one of two causes 1) Another fool died near you. Or 2) There is a Wookie with a EBR pointing at us yelling repeatedly that they are gonna kill us if you get revived. Games have Bugs and if you can't be Revived . I'll list some examples

  1. If you were a passenger in a Helicopter that crashed.
  2. If you Crashed your helicopter or Died in the air.
  3. If your Body Disappears for no reason.
  4. If the vehicle you get in gets stored.

This past week we lost two Search and Rescue Operators (The Guys who can get to you fast). because the massive amount of harassment medics receive for following our hand book. That's Two less Medic that can save you fast. If you have an Issue with the RnR Service just use your Defibs.... Oh Wait..... That's not an Option, so Treat medics like Humans and Know that the world does not revolve around you because you died.

Sorry about that Rant, I''m just a little mad 2 RnR Members felt like they did not want to play the game/medic anymore because of the Abuse they receive.

I get salty because on average you wait about 10-20 minutes to just get a response from a medic when the server is about 50/100. I know for me, when I die, I'll request and wait about like 3 or 4 minutes. If the medic is just sitting 4km and not moving for that amount of time, ill say something in chat. Like for example, last night I died at the airfield. I requested twice, each time is like 7 minutes and 30 seconds or something close to that. Until the second timer was at about 2 minutes the medic said, "VX group ill be getting you and then goldy". I had to wait about like 23 minutes just to get arma'd when he revived me probably because I was dead for so long (not his fault). The server only had about 20 people on. It is stuff like this where people say "Medic ETA". You wouldn't be hearing any of this if they just added defibs so you wouldn't have to deal with the large groups of people that could simply get a revive from your friends. Maybe increase medics paychecks if they don't want the faction to fail because of defibs.

Edited by Goldy
6 hours ago, Goldy said:

I get salty because on average you wait about 10-20 minutes to just get a response from a medic when the server is about 50/100. I know for me, when I die, I'll request and wait about like 3 or 4 minutes. If the medic is just sitting 4km and not moving for that amount of time, ill say something in chat. Like for example, last night I died at the airfield. I requested twice, each time is like 7 minutes and 30 seconds or something close to that. Until the second timer was at about 2 minutes the medic said, "VX group ill be getting you and then goldy". I had to wait about like 23 minutes just to get arma'd when he revived me probably because I was dead for so long (not his fault). The server only had about 20 people on. It is stuff like this where people say "Medic ETA". You wouldn't be hearing any of this if they just added defibs so you wouldn't have to deal with the large groups of people that could simply get a revive from your friends. Maybe increase medics paychecks if they don't want the faction to fail because of defibs.

This server is for role-play. Your comment is just another defibrillator-drive. Defibrillators are not roleplay, they are for endless combat purpose. You might as well go play CQC if you want to be up as much as you can.

7 hours ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

Thank you for the screenshot. I'll be dealing with this kind of ignorance shortly. 

Hopefully... Not fun being treated like that a lot.

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