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Big Chain Chain

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  1. ur not wrong Imagine spending a month of ur life while im banned making deepfaked videos that are obviously not me smh
  2. Got it reduced to a 1 month some definite prejudice in the admin system supposedly saying I break rules and don't think about the consequences BUT I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS I REQUEST A PRESIDENTIAL PARDON ASAP NO ROCKY.
  3. ate a quick perm today, rise up my supporters to fight this injustice yall know I didnt do shit. First they don't give me my 3rd place in demolition derby and simp for ivy and now they attack me because they know the control I have over kavala is immense. FIGHT AGAINST THE TYRANNY EAT THE RICH
  4. noble fears my rook they wouldn't dare enter my domain
  5. serious offers only all of them are stolen I aint no medic foo
  6. have 67 left in stock come buy them before they are gone
  7. Got some lollipops in stock send me your offers they are a super food got about 25 in stock atm
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