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Everything posted by Steeler

  1. So you can not interact with them at all? That doesn’t seem right. Now however change the character to a friendly gang member. You can obivously put them in a vehicle and save them. (Everyone has done it/does it)
  2. Okay hypothetical situation. Your in a gang fight, APD show up, restrain enemy gang members. You kill all cops in the area. What are you allowed to do with the enemy gang members? I know you can’t shoot them on the spot obivously, but can you take them in your own vehicle and RP with them? I saw that you can’t vigi them cause that’s vigi abuse, you can’t simply unrestrain them later and just 1 tap them (#warpoints) so what really could you do with them...? Thanks boys
  3. Thank you for the short answer.
  4. I sure as hell did bud. Sorry I didn’t print out the notes and study before the exam. Thank you sir for answering my question and not being a smart ass. You’re a good man/whatever #2019
  5. So I’ve looked through the rules a couple times and have a question about engaging with a titan with APD. I know illegal zones no text is required and once they shoot from the aerial vehicle no text is required. My question is do you need to text a titan message to APD if they have lights and sirens on outside of a red zone? And before anyone bashes me saying I didn’t read the rules I must be blind cause I saw this: When using a titan on aerial vehicles the pilot must first be directly notified stating your demands and that you are using a Titan, if demands are not met (within reason) you may fire on the air unit with said titan. If a titan message is sent during an active engagement and the engagement lasts longer then 5 minutes, the player may still fire the titan at the pilot that was messaged if demands were still not met. Titans may be used without texts in illegal areas. Titans may also be fired at ground vehicles and other players via standard RP rules. Misuse of Titan launchers to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for may still result in administrative action. If these scenarios arise action will be taken entirely at staff discretion. When a player is directly fired upon by an aerial vehicle, the player may return fire with a titan without sending a text first. (Gang engagement does not apply for this rule) thanks dudes
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