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  1. should i apply for texture designer? :thinking:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZeRo


      retired staff perks 😳

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Honest opinion, if you enjoy it, it'll be ok, and right now there's no other place you can make everything from joke civ textures (dabob) to police helicopters.

      As a texture designer you'll receive a lot of artistic freedom in choosing your projects and what you want to make, the team is alright, and the "benefits" are a very sweet cherry on top of doing something you already like.

      But with all that said we are talking about olympus so some amount of BS is to be expected. I'd say go for contrib, the workload is light and it gives you a good view of the dynamics and what's expected of you, if you enjoy it stick around and if it's not your thing, it happens.

      Also if you're a new player I'd say it's worth it just for the insight it'll give you into the community and the opportunity to only take on the "fun" parts of the game if you will. After 8-12 weeks designer is a given if your work is decent, we have a top tier staff points package, and free pararescue + corporal exemptions is hard to beat.

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