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  • Olympus Gang

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  1. PM sent
  2. what is your in game name so i can contact you in game?
  3. PMd cannot receive messages but ill take the garage
  4. paying at least 2 million
  5. still looking
  6. bump
  7. Looking for S2 DP15 garage - if anyone looking to get rid of one let me know. Thanks
  8. PM'd you
  9. bump still for sale.
  10. Looking to sell my server 2 platinum garage. Pictures attached for location. MINIMUM OFFER: $2M Either PM, post bids here, or hmu in game.
  11. I'll give you $1.5M for the hunter.
  12. coastosprey


    You are retarded. You don't accept PayPal as payment and wanted me to send you steam cards. I do not do that. I simply removed you from my friends list because you seem unprofessional. Trust me, I have no plans to use the logo you created. I offered to pay you via PayPal and you declined and that is where our business dealings ended. How about you tell the truth. I didn't scam you.
  13. Been a member here longer than you according to the forums youngbuck.
  14. You guys all sound like such pussies with all these pathetically written apology threads lol.
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