honestly I really really hate fighting people and then the medic will revive everyone I just killed one time I was less than 15 meters away when a medic started reviving an enemy, and he already got up another dude too I was fighting and left my friend on the ground. then proceeded to say in side "you know I'd go to the end of the world to revive you" I'm not really gunna go into detail but twice this has happened where a medic will revive my enemies who are killing my friends\trying to kill me and then play dumb or use the rules against me and act like he was just doing his job, I kinda play this shit like I have one life to live now because I absolutely hate having to rely on a medic. 99% of the time a medic is in someone's pockets specifically the bigger gangs . if you ask me medics don't lose anything at all if they die and rebels lose upwards of 150k . they should be alot easier to engage like kos if you see them reviving your enemies type engagement because seriously wtf do they have to lose? and why should they be able to wave there cock in your face ?