@10Fps sold his computer. I’d like to take this moment to let everyone know if you have a homie over the internet and you plan on selling your computer... you should AT LEAST consult with your internet homies before making such a fucking stupid decision. Even though josh is stupid he is still a good friend of mine and il miss hearing him scream in ts about his ping and how he is better than me (he isn’t) either way it was all constructive criticism in the end. Remember the good times homie like the retarded deer timmy me you and @Orgondo adopted in rust, you and me duo’ing whole clans at various cartels in asylum and olympus, fighting the cops 2v14 having them follow us all the way to the fed and making most of them rage quit, the various times we got arrested, pickle rick and Brk lol. Cringe if you must nigga il miss your aim having my back and in a weird way your fucking Shitty attitude lmao good luck my friend.