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Dejay last won the day on December 12 2016

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About Dejay

  • Birthday 06/24/1998

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Immigrant (1/7)



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  1. Can we remove tanoa? People are climbing the leaderboards in cash because there is a constant 3 person pop. Was going to play cop last night on the server, caught one person and the whole server logged out. Was 3 cops, no medics, no civs. Can we please remove that god awful server?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lucki


      So why don't you take advantage of the low pop and make some cash on Tanoa instead? I did an easy mushroom run this morning and made almost 500K in a mohawk and 30 minutes


    3. DeadPool


      shhhhh dont blow the secret

    4. Dejay


      Well when two people go from zero to 40 mil each because they are abusing houses right next to the processers. Yeah, that's balanced.  Money shouldn't be made by getting on another server where it is almost impossible to be robbed on. Rather have a rust server than this piece of shit tanoa map. 

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