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X Mang

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About X Mang

  • Birthday 10/21/1989

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  1. will take ~1m for this if someone wants it <3
  2. anyone has?
  3. i figured someone would want it for this
  4. https://gyazo.com/c3d2c09e6fe0a6738ba716b113f92031 any interest in this?
  5. 2m =]
  6. X Mang

    Hello APD?

    This sounds like a lacking supply of timezone deployment then.
  7. X Mang

    Hello APD?

    That's the way the cookie crumbles. Honestly one way to fix it is - If you're on server 2- and there is a Fed/BW on server 3- You CANNOT leave server 2 to join in the event. I've seen it where the server gets COMPLETELY abandoned.
  8. X Mang

    Hello APD?

    I don't disagree- However I think the stacking is the bigger issue, Which I think he will be addressing in the following weeks, and the aforementioned 1 corporal goes for all waves.
  9. X Mang

    Hello APD?

    Don't need to have the always win mentality. We need to have the Fair mentality.
  10. X Mang

    Hello APD?

    No. Already hard to do either unless you have a TON of people and the whole corp+ scout wave is BS. Why did the rule change from way back when - as a corp+ you personally had to go through 2 waves, not just one corporal+.
  11. how much for the bungalow on s3
  12. Will pay nicely.
  13. Oh boy as if the stacking wasn't enough.
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