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Everything posted by Vextrum

  1. so you rage on a rant you didn't even read ..... your life is impressive sir I want to be you , youre going places .
  2. thank you for further illustrating my point .... cops no less XD I prefer to trigger ppl with no punctuation at all actually the only time I put a comma in was when I thought ppl would be too dumb to know where the sentence ends other than that I don't punctuate anything ... I hope that's not a problem
  3. let me elaborate the end of my comment ... when I said this is the reason I have been banned 5 times recently but not once over the year and a half I have played here I mean the fail rp the rdm when it happens I just say into the voice chat if you don't give a fuck why should I and I ebola myself and return a couple weeks later to test the quality of life but nothing improves ..... I loved Olympus it was very fun that being said I'm afraid its not gonna improve most likely just get worse which is sad since only 5% of the population engages properly or cares about rules as is so if it gets worse ..yikes... RIP it was a good run peace love all the above I think its scrub lord but I could be wrong . thanks for the comment bigsmoke ty for further illustrating my point
  4. I recently got back from a break from Olympus and the first day back I was RDM'd I posted the recorded video that showed all ppl involved and their names but even 100% proof that rules were broken wasn't enough to get the admin to do anything more than nothing, the video was 6 mins long has to be at least 5 it was good sound and video quality everyone was seen clearly and heard clearly it was rdm and the guy who rdmd even said he did in the footage but the admins don't care they say its not proper evidence . if a video of the event in which the rdmer in question actually says he rdmd in the video isn't evidence then nothing is their just blowing it off so they don't have to do any work and that's fine I am already on another break from Olympus as I knew nothing would come of this report the quality of life has disappeared rules don't matter and mean little, admins don't care neither do the civs from what ive noticed this only provides fuel to the fire of my previous forums topic "Olympus on the down swing" in which I was told if rules are broken then report evidence by an admin... to that admin I say ... that did a lot ... . I guess admins are only capable of giving drone comments back and pretending to keep order ... RIP ... P.S. this is the reason ive been banned 5 times in the past few months but I played on this server for a year and a half without a single ban or report because people stopped caring and cops did too any time I'm on I get fail rp'd by cops ands medics alike and I don't mean they do something I think is against the rules I mean they break RP hardcore its not subtle also getting rdmd by everyone .. ppl don't like to risk dying I get it but to not engage properly or at all is pathetic as is cops that don't care about playing right or by the rules. they simply want to get the money from ur bounty RIP
  5. I got a 9 day ban after starting this topic .... RIP HARAMBE ... I haven't even played arma 3 in a week I guess casper did something wrong in the server and used my name .....XD
  6. its always a fun time leaving and coming back didn't change it for the better as it did for you its the people not the game and maybe there isn't a way to change that since people are who they choose to be.
  7. let me be clear it isn't the servers fault, the server is and always has been fucking awesome its the community that brings it down this isn't to try and help the server itself but the community that plays there. we need to change the tone in the server , people only care about the rules if they think that person is recording, also to one of the commenters, youre right I didn't know all the rules its a involved experience and its easy for newer people even veterans to mess up without realizing but thats not the focus and the admins aren't either this isn't about them or the server itself like I said above its about the community that plays here ands trying to find ways to improve upon the current experience
  8. thanks for all the feed back . I don't mean to be that guy that says I cant run screen capture but I cant run it so is there no solution to help the servers community improve ? is the only way to better it or even get justice to have recorded proof? there must be some way to better the servers community.
  9. anyone that played a year ago and plays today even 6 months ago and still plays today can see that there is a clear down swing in the quality of life on the server I have even taken many leaves from the server cause of this and I'm on one ATM as well.RDMing on the rise ,knowledge lacking cops, and just general douche bags have flooded the server and it doesn't show signs of change so I'm posting this to see what anyone thinks about the topic and what we can do to change it so we can Make Olympus Great Again.
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