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Posts posted by DashTonic

  1. 54 minutes ago, John Wayne said:

    Lol making the vehicle illegal is pointless since it’s already been involved in the fed. Seized either way.


    Someone must’ve done something unrelated to Trident recruiting blackfish pilots for feds. Increasing the cost is the only way to restrict its usage. 

    Dash's blackfish services

  2. 7 minutes ago, KrispyK said:


    1.  ghosthawk disabling the rotors, untested but should work. 
    2. ghosthawk, to the pilot.
    3. trailing with scout planes
    4. if lost, planes disburse and cover 3 different sections of the map heading  in the direction of which the blackfish left
    5. have ground units spread out to cover distance for when a scout plane spots the blackfish

    the blackfish is to the Sapd what a ORCA is to a PO

    1: doesn't work only dmg hull 

    2: have to hit through the side glass to kill him 

    3: travels 200kmh more 

    4: that's a good plan  

    <3 you

  3. 2 minutes ago, a overweight giant retard said:


    I forgot how easy it was to keep up with a literal turboprop plane. APD has planes that have significantly less speed and vertical climb capability.

    Also, who says you're not storing in a house with the blackfish? Oh wait, it's common to do so!~~~

    I been flying theses blackfish's for them they selling soon as I drop them

  4. 34 minutes ago, Khada Jhin said:

    i'm talking about *active* browsers of the forums. the vast majority of those accounts are inactive while the APD aren't because they'd be kicked out.

    people on this thread who commented that are APD: 5, counting the former chief

    people on this thread that aren't APD: 1 (excluding me)

    and the same goes for most posts. if you think APD is the minority on this site, i have some news for you.


  5. 1 minute ago, warpoints said:



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