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Everything posted by Rufus

  1. PM offers. Middle of town near realtor.
  2. Rufus

    Selling Sofia 4c

  3. Selling a fully upgraded Sofia 4c. You can load/unload while hidden from APD HQ to avoid PC. House also comes with 700 Mushroom and some random shit I cba to remove. Send offers in-game or via DM. https://imgur.com/a/mnVWlRb
  4. Read the last two paragraphs of OP.
  5. He also needed to check if I was still being processed and if initiation was ongoing. I had my comms and GPS taken, he had no way of knowing if he needed to initiate again.
  6. Admins have said that extortion under certain circumstances is fine. Like if it's a mega obvious rule break, it's ok for them to extort money. Vigi Punisher got clarification on it after he rammed a cop heli and they tried extorting a crazy amount.
  7. All cheaters stay banned. Any one associated should be banned. Any one who lives within a 50 mile radius of the cheaters IP location should also be banned.
  8. https://writingexplained.org/could-of-or-could-have
  9. I prescribe talking therapy, fluoxetine and some outside time for both.
  10. Lots of crack head energy in this thread. I'm all for it.
  11. 3rd time posting this shit. Just bump the old thread or take the hint that no one wants it.
  12. Can I have the hummingbird
  13. Rufus

    Selling DP3 Villa

    Is it upgraded? What kinda price you looking for?
  14. I agree we need to remove lagging
  15. I've owned it for like a year, designers be sleeping
  16. Perfect for respawning and grabbing a quick kit. Can make the run without red gull and the players notification on the spawn screen tells you if any one is inside rebel before you spawn. Taking offers. Location: https://imgur.com/a/rSEnzVh
  17. There are things in place now to stop medics being bias and it still happens. There are current and ex Search and Resuce and above who I've experienced being biased. It's not even always conscious bias that can cause it (supporting gang/friends etc), it's also unconscious bias because of past situations. You see this with APD, too. You choose to play the "pacifist" faction, I don't see the need to arm medics. If you feel the need to have weapons, work with APD to create a more symbiotic relationship.
  18. A lot of medics are bias in combat situations. They'll always help out their own gang or people they're friendly with and it can effect the outcome of fights. Give these people tasers and it's even worse. People have proven time and time again that they'll abuse anything they can. You can say that the medics who are bias can be reported/punished etc but it's hard to prove.
  19. This definitely couldn't be abused. Big brain idea - I support it wholeheartedly.
  20. I found this server from ads on MySpace - keep up the good work!
  21. You seem clear headed and smart - wanna join APD?
  22. I am Olympus and I am racist
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