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Blog Entries posted by codeYeTi

  1. codeYeTi

    Altis Life Development
    Gang Experience - Donation Goal Gangs now earn Experience for completing actions and can invest in perks Gang Leaders can spend Tokens to receive permanent buffs Gang Leaders can choose to respec spent tokens for $250,000 per token Each level gives 1 Token Milestone levels give 3 Tokens Milestones are every 10 levels Gang Leaders must spend an appropriate amount of Tokens in a specific tree to unlock each tier Pre-requisite must be met prior to unlocking Ex: 2% Gold Sell must be unlocked before you can purchase 4%  Perks TYPE, PERK, BENEFIT, TIER, COST  Federal Gold Bar Sell Increase 2%/4%/6% 1/4/6 Tokens Pharmaceutical Sell Increase 5%/10%/15% 1/2/4 Tokens Money Bag Sell Increase 5%/10%/15% 1/2/4 Tokens Planting Bomb Automatically plants Anti-Air Tier 2 3 Tokens Runs Increased Processing Speed 5%/10%/15% 1/2/4 Tokens Increased Picking Speed 5%/10%/15% 1/2/4 Tokens Cartels Decreased Illegal Vehicle Price 5%/10% 1/3 Tokens Decreased Claim Price 5%/10% 1/2 Tokens General Spawn with 1 Water 1 Tactical Bacon and 1 Redgull Tier 1 1 Token Chance to not consume EpiPen on revive 5%/10%/15% 1/3/4 Tokens Increased Lockpick Speed 5%/10%/15% 1/3/4 Tokens Increased Redgull duration 20%/30%/40% 2/3/4 Tokens Spawn with 1 Water and 1 Redgull Tier 1 1 Token Increased Vehicle Repair speed 5%/10%/15% 1/3/4 Tokens Actions that earn XP Kills Geared players killed Cops killed War kills Terror kills Titan hits 1km Kills Robberies Cops restrained Kidneys stolen Lockpick successes Vehicles chopped Gas stations robbed Vehicles claimed Players restrained Events Airdrops unsealed Events won Lotteries won Gold sold Blackwater vehicles claimed Airdrop vehicles claimed Paintings sold Money bags sold Federal Reserves blown Blackwaters blown Jails blown Evidence Lockers blown Banks blown Pharmaceutical escorts sold Paintings stolen Gang bases won Runs Legals items picked Illegal items picked Legals sold Illegals sold Legals processed Illegals processed Plane DPs completed DPs completed Generic Black markets captured Vigi arrests Cartel captured time Players revived Note: This is the debut of our Gang Experience system, with more perks planned for future updates. CSAT Pilot Coveralls to War Clothing Shops - Donation Goal 10 WP Will be removed on July 20th or later dependent on the update Cannot be stacked with Advanced Rebel Carrier Rigs Vehicle Yard - Donation Goal Located near Neochori Spawns 2 HEMTT Flatbeds on completion with 2 High-Value vehicles on the back Vehicles are spawned from an equal pool Cannot spawn the exact vehicle twice Vehicles that can spawn Orca (Smoke) Qilin (Smoke) Prowler (HMG) Offroad (HMG) Qilin (Minigun Ifrit Strider Hunter Vehicles have to be claimed at a Chop shop to complete the event Started by intimidating an NPC APD has the option to terminate the robbery at the NPC 10 minutes long Automatically destroys vehicles at 45 minutes if they have not been claimed or seized Tracking markers follow the vehicles and give a general location on the map HEMTT Flatbeds cannot be destroyed by getting Arma'd/Rammed Weekend Airdrop Event Starts at 9 PM EST on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Can only spawn inside of Warzone 9 Gear Airdrop locations 7 Vehicle Airdrop locations Spawns a Gear and Vehicle Airdrop simultaneously Vehicles are spawned from a Blackfish Lootpool from Gear is significantly Enhanced Additional Chance for Zafir, DMS, Mar-10, and ENVG Ultra-rare chance for Special Purpose Helmet Vehicle Lootpool modified Qilin (Smoke) removed A significant increase in spawn chances Ghosthawk Armed Huron Xian Prowler HMG (Smoke) APD Gold Escort Corporal+ can now initiate a high-value Escort Starting location is Sofia HQ Civilians can turn the Escort Truck in at any Gold Trader Values Cost to start $400k Small $650k Medium $850k Large APD Turn-in $1.5M Small $2.5M Medium $3.5M Large Civilian Turn-in $2.5M Small $5M Medium $7.5M Large Routes Small - Sofia HQ to Pyrgos HQ Medium - Sofia HQ to Air HQ Large - Sofia HQ to Neo HQ Saving Loadouts with Warpoint items Loadouts saved in the Rebel shop are now able to be saved with Warpoint gear Warpoint Loadouts will now prefer to pay exclusively with Warpoints if the item is available in the shop Magazines utilize cash still Notification sound on hint Toggleable in the settings menu Redesign of the loadout menu Now displays the cost of loadout in tooltip on mouseover Displays all virtual and physical items in the loadout APD Lightbar and Bullbar Vehicles pulled from the APD garage will now spawn with a lightbar and bullbar Vehicles must have a marked Police skin variant on them Lightbars and bullbars will not be applied during Federal events Vehicles that have lightbar and bullbar: SUV Hatchback All MB 4WD variants All Offroad variants All Van variants  All HEMTT variants All Qilin variants Hunter Strider Additional Community Goal type for kills within Warzone Ability to enable a sound that is played when you receive a hint via the settings menu Kill sound from S3 Raven Vest for Medic rank 3+ (Adv. Paramedic) Ability for gang/group members to flip vehicles without keys Map Designer advertisement billboards near each city TDM map - Dome @ Albo TDM map - Rust @ Albo Vehicle Yard @ Zeuse  @ Headtaps Textures Cop CTSFO Combat Fatigues reworked @ Mako CTSFO Strike Pack @ Mako SRT Combat Fatigues reworked @ Mako Civilian John Deere Tempest (Free) @ nicole Gang RnR Vehicles Xian @ Brolaf Blackfoot @ Brolaf Ghosthawk @ nicole Orca @ nicole Hellcat @ nicole Taru @ Brolaf Hummingbird/M900 @ nicole SUV @ nicole Hatchback @ nicole Offroad @ Brolaf Van @ nicole Qilin @ nicole Hunter @ nicole Strider @ nicole HEMMT @ nicole Uniforms Coveralls Coordinator @ sandman Coveralls Supervisor @ sandman Coveralls Pararescue @ sandman Coveralls Search and Rescue @ sandman Coveralls Advanced Paramedic @ sandman Donator Coveralls Coastguard @ sandman O+ Coveralls @ sandman Fatigues Basic Paramedic @ sandman Fatigues EMT @ sandman Changed:
    Prowler (NVST) -> Prowler (M2) Weapon changed due to first person crosshair being disabled on the NVST Ammo count changed from 250 to 400 rounds of 12.7mm ammo Gun fire rate changed from 800 to 600 RPM Loadout slots for O+/$250 Donators changed from 10 to 50 Y-Faks are now cancellable with tab Bullion RVMAT no longer has a blue undertone   APD members are now notified who added charges Rank and name are now displayed when a player is pardoned Medic vest types moved from rank 4 to rank 3 Insuring vehicles now shows the vehicle you insured in the message Searching players and vehicles now shows the legal items someone has as well as illegal in the message Cruise control now shows you the speed it is set to in the message Discounts given for war kills/kills at rebel weapon shops and vehicle shops were reduced by half War Kills 250 2% -> 1% 500 5% -> 2.5% 1000 10% -> 5% 2500, 5000, and 10000 15% -> 7.5%  Normal Kills 1000 5% -> 2.5% 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000, and 15000 10% -> 5% RnR and APD dispatch messages GUI Vehicle Garage Purchase Vehicle Chopshop Vehicle Processing Spawn Menu Common assets Font types Map Athira Square @ nicole  @ Headtaps Athira Drug Dealer @ SpecTGV Salt Processor @ Diamond Last Man Standing Island @ TheHeroNoob Copper Pro @ TheHeroNoob @ notsodank Diamond Processor @ Mc Pooperson Sofia Bank @ Albo  @ Zeuse Relocated Boardwalk (Pyrgos) Casino to land Minor changes to Jail Island (Changed rocks to improve performance in the Pyrgos area and removed some unnecessary objects) Fixed:
    Marking Zamak Fuel Message when a gang name was taken Lethal injection timer title bonus inverted Crafting/learning resistant vest Crafting Crate couldn't be taken from and required dropping items to ground to retrieve Instant healing by pressing tab while healing Hexes not saving Gangbase perk not discounting Warpoint items Qilin Fuel RVD exploit Map Neochori garage blowing up cars on spawn Mushroom Processor window planks not positioned correctly Kavala Drug Dealer object rotation Tree clipping in a rock pile at Lithium Mine Rock rotations at Alpha Cap  Sofia Rebel object rotation Factory crates not being interactable Duplicate wall + fence at Neochori HQ Removed:
    Neochori Bank Textures Cop Civilian Skyline Orca Bape Orca Altis Racer Hatchback Red Burger Hatchback Bluking Hatchback Night HEMTT Fade Ifrit Venom Ifrit Explorer Ifrit Candy Ifrit Spongebob Ifrit NASA Qilin Monster Qilin Cola Prowler Gang Wars billboard Vanguard billboard Altis Park billboard Extra gang texture billboard Alien billboard Gang RnR SUV Donator Note: We intend to replace/remake the textures that were removed in this update. Most of these textures were outdated/not up to our size standards. Hotfix #1 (6/21/2023):
    Fixed APD gold escort marker not being there Fixed claiming vehicle airdrop vehicles Added a kill sound/notification (you can also change the sounds it plays in the Y settings menu)  Changed cop split radius on terminating vehicle yard from 5000 meters to 2500 meters Fixed federal event cooldowns being circumvented by soft logging Fixed map search now showing markers  Fixed APD gold escort not being able to be sold by civilians Fixed being able to lockpick vehicle yard vehicles Fixed not being able to lockpick vehicle yard trucks  Added a hint that gets sent to you when a charge is added (will show who added it, their rank, and what charge) Fixed being able to instantly heal others with Y FAKs Removed Y-FAK cancellation due to too many exploits  Fixed being able to start the APD gold escort without not enough civilians on 
  2. codeYeTi

    Altis Life Development
    The in-game mission download speed has been lowered to alleviate some server network performance issues
    Please utilize our mission updater (Auto-Hotkey script) that is provided above
    2 Additional Horns Nyan Turk Turk Scrap values AT Vehicles Tasers RPG-32 Rockets Changed: 
    Adjusted Jet crafting and scrapping values Horns can now be utilized in boats Economic Rebalance Weapon Prices Type115 $80k -> $90k Spar-17 $110k -> $102.5k Mk14 $110k -> $100k Mk18 $100k -> $105k Mk-1 $125k -> $137.5k Magazine Prices 9mm $500 -> $350 5.56mm $500 -> $400 6.5mm $500 -> $650 7.62mm $500 -> $762 xd .50BW 20WP -> 25WP Accessory Prices ARCO $1k -> $4k RCO $1k -> $3k MRCO $1k -> $2k Bipods $10k -> 12.5k Vehicle Prices SUV $45k -> $40k Offroad $35k -> $30k Hatchback (Sport)  $30k -> $37.5k Qilin (Light) $160k -> $150k Prowler (Light) $155k -> $145k Qilin (Minigun) $1.25M -> $1.125M Box Truck $130k -> $137.5k Mohawk $800k -> $775k Taru (Transport) $950k -> $850k Virtual Item Prices Lethal Injector $250k -> $175k Takeover Terminal $10k -> $5k Virtual weight decreased from 10 to 2 Cocaine $3,230 -> $3,325 Epipen $15k -> $17.5k Blasting Charge $15k -> $25k Hacking Terminal $3.5k -> $5k Deployable Turret $3M -> $2.7M Pharmaceutical seize radius decreased from 5km to 2.5km SDV and Rhib changed to EMT+ Fixed:
    Players loadouts wiping on rejoin Scrapping illegal vehicle not removing it from garage Hex Icons showing locked in-game despite being unlocked Blueprint usage not triggering a sync Crafting any item not triggering a sync Lethaling and receiving $0 Horn sound disparity Fixed Sitting Fuel Siphon could be used while inside the vehicle being drained Auction House listings couldn't be canceled Auction House will now always display listings Multiple missing items from the Warpoint calculation Map search could be hidden but couldn't be unhidden Gangbase not deploying Licenses on cop not properly syncing Loading is too fast on factions hinting that players will lose their gangshed when it isn't at risk AHP Hummingbird no longer incorrectly displays at distance APD access to Smoke textures for armored vehicles Removed:
    Hotfix #1
    Fixed freeze on player death/kill Fixed freezing on taking or storing items from a house with lots of items Fixed players getting action bugged from opening briefcases/interacting with dead bodies Textures Cop SRT Hatchback @ nicole Hunter Rework Taru Rework Strider rework Ghosthawk rework AHP hatchback rework AHP Hummingbird rework Minor changes to Donor Sweater Civilian BattlEye Ifrit rework BattlEye Qilin rework Louis Vuitton x Gucci Hatchback rework Black Van 9 Coverall variants Gang Teamplayers Gang CSATs @ Renegade Autopilots Gang Granits @ kny Scythe Gang Fatigues @ nicole
  3. codeYeTi
    Limited Time Features (Ends 9/8/18):
    20% reduced price of explosives and vehicles at vendors Added:
    Medics will now have a button to quickly "give 1 Lollipop". Ability to organize house/shed inventories  Click the item you want to move around and hit the up or down arrow on the dialog Realtors will now display vacant gangsheds Explosive charges, RGO grenades and slam mines to the warpoint shop Vehicle shop at vigilante outposts for vigilantes only Cops lower than Corporal can now pardon restrained players with a windows key option Pardoning gang members of the same gang on civ is disallowed via this option. Four new realtors around the map Raid/search warrants can now be executed if a permanent or temporary key holder is online Holosight (Black) to all ranks in the APD APD can now send players to jail at the Blackwater Outpost when there is no bomb planted on the Blackwater New third tier security system: "Tracked Security System". Will add a personal-only GPS tracker to vehicles with the system installed NATO Beret and Basic black helmet for Sergeant+ Tracer mags for all available weapons for the APD New donator stuff (details will be in a new post will provide a link) SHIFT + T map marker placement ability added Changed:
    Armed plane Gun changed from 6.5 minigun to 7.62 coaxial MG Overall magazine count reduced by half Price increased to 1m from 750k Reduced the price of the .50 cal offroad to 750k. Sofia pharmaceutical drop-off multiplier raised to 130% from 120% Storing gang vehicles at a garage will now sort vehicles un-used by you last Permanent key holders can now access house physical inventory without the owner needing to unlock it War Point cost of titan missile increased to 10 war points R&R dispatches are now addressed to All R.N.R. Units instead of You Gang members can now access gang vehicles without getting keys Fixed:
    Cops will no longer lose their gun when they are epi'd or revived Double-processed drugs will now record along with their counterparts on the stats page Revives will cancel if the person doing the revive is tazed. Bug involving pharmaceutical events not starting as intended Cop/Medic "Get in as Passenger" option how works as intended for RHIB boats Vigilantes throwing grenades with a tazer out will no longer have tazer grenades. Some gangshed's will now have a spawn location outside that they didn't have before Some illegal gear that wasn't automatically being seized during processing Betting related exploit Items requiring a tool to gather will now require said tool House physical item storing related bugs Removed:
    Cop and medic channel Legacy donor code (was not in use (paychecks increases, discounts, etc)) HotFix 1/2:
    Newly added cop holosights won't be deleted from inventory Random script error when impounding vehicles fixed Item Weights added to holosights Added additional donor content Changed cop quad texture Changed cop ghosthawk texture Changed cop AHP texture Added 3 new cop uniforms for sAPD members Added new sAPD fatigue texture Added LIM Jeep to cops Changed R&R Coord uniform texture As always if a bug is found please submit it to the tracker. Nothing can be fixed if we aren't aware of it.
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