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| Tony |

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| Tony | last won the day on August 19 2016

| Tony | had the most liked content!

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. https://gyazo.com/f1b0d2b0d745bfde3e1006b1f93be854 Give me offers.
  2. For 2mil https://gyazo.com/46ffa59524877d90dfb7044abfc47cc3
  3. XD FsX was never in [-t-] doe or pieter wasn't Pieter just played gang wars
  4. wtf are you on about you irrelevant ugly cunt.
  5. Sonny is not active since he's joined hahah and I only see fernando on he loyal
  6. we didn't need Pieter anyway still would off won and no one wanted him to fight for us anyway apart from sonny.. remove yourself nerd.
  7. We got carried even tho he killed one of you lol
  8. Yeah buut when we came against you in gang wars Pieter did a lot didn't he. You lot don't deserve to fight you only come over to fight gang wars how many times did you come on after you got fucked last gang wars not once so....
  9. well have fun den lol not worth it at all Sponges like 1 more bullet Most I'm paying is 600k
  10. 550k that's max I'm going soz @LoGr
  11. I'll give 100k for them
  12. 550k for them all @LoGr
  13. yeah ill take it message me when you want it @buckie
  14. @buckie ?
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