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  1. id say 5.56 like asylum
  2. So recently as i have played the Altis Servers for this community i see the vigilantes lack so much more potential. On other servers vigilantes/bounty hunters are seen as justice figures. I think a lot of servers dont see the importance of bounty hunting and how good it could benefit the server. now im not saying giving bounty hunters all this crazy stuff and making it superior. Vigilantes should be seen as a go to when police officers are not on and also a support unit if police is in need. But what many people including myself of Altis want to make bounty hunting more official / being seen in a good way, lot harder to become one,better gear sets(upgrade) , tagged objects and maybe having a hideout or HQ. I think a lot of people would get a kick out of this and make the server better than it is. Note: I like going into the servers and getting feedback from the people for further progress for this community and i think really helps thanks if your reading this
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